Chapter Eighteen

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A pirate ship crossing over the waters. Obviously seen better days, but still in decent condition, impressive sight. She floats gracefully over the waves, sails swing in the gentle currents, the flag moving in the wind, black with a white cross.

The ship turned, aiming towards the dock, Ava moved and someone threw a gold anchor over the side and the ship hooked into the surface below.

"Land ho!"

A beautiful woman stepped on the dock, without looking at Ava, she tired the ships ropes to the dock.

Golden, long layered hair neatly coiffured to reveal a full, cheerful face. Glistening hazel eyes, A scar stretching from the right side of her forehead, running towards the tip of the nose and ending on her chin. She was tall, despite her large breast.

There's something captivating about her, paraphs its her fearlessness, or her dangerous demur. Ava attention drawn to her, her eyes set on her like stone.

Her relatively simple dress flows from top to bottom and has a keyhole neckline, A corset covers her stomach where the continuous flow is broken up by a thin rope belt worn fairly low around her waist. Her sleeves are longer than her arms and a loose fit. To top it off she wears, Black boots, with sliver buckles and a black curved pirate hat.

She smiled, friendly at Ava, reaching out her fingers, long short nailed finger tips. Ava shook her head, smiling back.

"Captain Moria Tate" she said.

"Ava Simmons"

Moria smiled again.

She passed, placing her feet in the sand. Taking a deep breath inhaling the warm air.

"Ah, it is nice to be on land again"

Ava stepped beside her, admiring her.

"How long have you been sailing for?"

Moria looked at her, "Last time I stepped foot on land, was about twenty years ago"

Ava's eyes grew wide with surprise.

"That is a long time"

Moria nodded.

"What do you do out there in the ocean?"

Moria laughed.

"My latest adventure we battled with a rival ship, I sent my crew to steal their treasure and to kill them all. Then sunk their boat to the ocean floor"

"What, you are kidding right?"

She shook her head, smiling.

"It was nice meeting you, Ava"

She walked down the beach, Ava watched her until she disappeared.

On the ship, her crew talked and laughed loudly, Ava wondered what it would be like to sail across the waters for so many years.

Her time away, calmed her down, she was no longer mad at Damon over a stupid dream, she found her way back to his cabin, excited to tell him about meeting a pirate, brave, bold and alluring beautiful.

Ava opened the door and shut it behind her. She slowly walked into the living room. Damon sat on the sofa with his face in his hands.

"Damon?" she said quietly.

He looked up at her, his eyes searching her face.

"I am sorry" She said nervously.

Damon said nothing so Ava continued to talk.

"Damon, I just overreacted and I got scared. It is hard to live with the fact that you tried to kill me. It scares me that you will try again and that dream it just made me lose it. I didn't mean to say those things Damon I really didn't. I know you love me; I trust you with every bone in my body. I love you Damon and I am so sorry"

Damon got up and walked over to Ava and put his arms around her. She held his hips and buried her face in his chest. He kissed the top of her head forgivingly.

Damon did feel like a monster, he never wanted to be this. He wanted to be normal, a normal man. He was a killer; he had killed and some on purpose.

Damon snarled at the man under his paws.

"Please don't kill me, my wife my children they, they need me" The man pleaded.

Damon growled louder into the man's face; he felt a sense of power as he held the man bagging for his life. He wanted him to bag, to cry and know what it feels like to have death just around the corner.

"Please, please I just, just want to go home" '

The man had been walking in the forest when Damon noticed him, he hadn't done anything, he was just a poor man walking alone. Damon liked the feeling that it brought to him as he tortured innocent souls. A thing of the past now, but when he was young, he fed on it giving him power.

Damon bit into the man's throat and the blood poured out. He howled and turned into a crow flying away and leaving the man to bleed to death.

"You didn't kill him, did you?" Will asked when Damon arrived in the garden. Will picking out the weeds in the blooming flowers.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't bother" He smiled to himself.

"You better go wash that blood away from your face before mother sees it" Will told him.

Damon quickly covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and splashed water, scrubbing it with his hands. The water staining with red blood, sucking into the drain.

He held Ava tighter. I will never kill again, unless I have to, he promised himself, pushing the memory away.

Ava ran her fingers down Damon's spine. The dreams could be controlled that is what Caroline learned to do. Ava decided she wanted to learn to control them, use them as her power.

"Damon, I know you don't age but at what age did you stop aging?" Ava asked pulling away from him.


"Will I stop to?"

You already have, you stepped foot in Arcadia and stopped. You are a part of royalty; therefore, you have already stopped"

Ava smiled slightly and turned away.

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