Chapter Thirty-Three

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The large group raised the weapons, shouting and cheering.

Will turned to walk them into battle, he stopped and looked behind him, "Damon, you should be up here with me"

Damon jogged to his brother's side.

"Thank you, brother, now let's do this!"

Will smiled and put his hand on his brother shoulder.

"Let's go brother"

Together they lead the group into the battle field. The sky was blue with not even a cloud in the sky, the green grass swayed with the light wind. In the far distance they could see another group approaching, it large, darkness looming off them. This was it, the fight was starting, good against dark. Will and Damon stopped marching, waiting for the dark to stand in front of them. Within in a few minutes they stood a foot apart, the banshees screamed loudly behind Will and Damon and others joined them screaming.

Will drew his sword. Attack! he called.

The sweet smell of air was replaced with the stench smell of blood as they hit each other violently. Taking each other down with magic and weapons.

Screams echoed all around them, screams of pain and screams of victory. Will stood face to face with the leader of the dark, Henley she was a the darkest of anyone here, years ago his mother had banished her to live on the far parts of the island after her crimes, he hadn't seen her in so long. He couldn't let a horrible woman like herself rule their kingdom, it would be doomed if she won. She smiled at him, then rose her hands casting a blue substance. She hit Will with it and he held up his shield blocking it. A banshee screamed; someone had died. One of the good had died, Will hoped it wasn't his brother. He didn't care if he died, but that was just the emotions that weren't there talking and he knew that once he had them back, he would care if his brother died. The thought almost distracted him, as Henley through a ball of fire at him. He ducked and reached out trying to swipe her with his sword. He was body slammed hard by an ogre, Will let out a cry as he fell to the ground nearly stabbing himself with his own sword. The ogre looked down at him, then reached his hands down to him, he growled. Will held up his sword in front of him ready to stab him, the ogre leaned reached for Will, he rolled and stabbed him, he pulled his sword out of the ogre's side ready to strike again, the ogre still stood tall over Will. He grabbed his tiny body in his huge dirty hands. Squishing the life out of him, Will gasped to breath. He felt his heart struggling to pump. The ogre slammed Will on the ground, Will gasped. His sword was useless, even the bit of blood that oozed from the ogre's wounds didn't stop him. It would take a lot more and Will wasn't sure he had much more in him, he felt so weak. Will felt his body being lifted from the ground again, this time inching towards the ogres, big stinky mouth. Will heard a wolf howl. Damon, he looked to see a wolf biting and clawing the ogre, more wolves joined Damon's side and they attacked, the ogre threw Will into the air, he screamed as he flew through the air. He heard the wolves howling, He fell to the hard ground with a thud. Will groaned in pain, his breath had been lost and his whole body shuttered with pain.

The wolf beside him wailed in pain and a long sword slashed right through his back, Damon turned taking down the enemy pushing him to the ground and ripping his teeth to his neck, spilling blood onto the already red colored grass, he didn't stop there; his teeth clenched into his arm pulling it off and throwing it with a thud, he bit the other side and rose his paw to his ripping his face to pieces. When there was no more left of him Damon ran off slashing anyone in his path with his paws, ripping their bodies to pieces spilling their blood to the ground. He wasn't even sure if there was any human left in him, all he could feel was the wolf. He couldn't feel anything but the urge to kill, to spill the blood of anyone he came across. He tried to fight it, and only go for the enemy trying not to hurt his own. He tried too hard, he knew that the wolf was taking over, it could only be a matter of time before he was longer himself. He stopped running and huffed, he couldn't fight anymore, he couldn't be this monster. Raiden had been right about the wolf. Damon howled and ran off the battle field, into the woods. He kept running until he could no longer hear the war cries or metal clinging together. He transformed into his human from, he could still feel the wolf inside, pulling at him to come back. He had to check himself to make sure he was really human, he ran his hands over himself feeling his hands his fingers, his legs. he was human, but he didn't feel human. He got up to his feet and ran as fast his human legs would let him. panting with sweat dripped down his hot naked body.

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