1.36 Kodama's First Death

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After Gregory and Henry left, it was once more time to get to work upgrading the dungeon. It was a shame that Violet couldn't convince them to check out some of the other rooms, but she hoped that they'd, at least, think about it for the future. One slime was really not enough for Henry to continue training with in the long term. It would be far better for him in either the floodplains meadow or the hay meadow room since there were more slimes available.

Sure, the slimes could hide and make things more difficult to predict, but it wasn't like slimes stood much of a chance against people anyway. They could knock people over if they weren't paying attention, but it was highly unlikely that anyone would end up dying from that. People didn't have actual health bars that would end up killing them slowly just from being hit by a slime repeatedly, as far as Violet knew. She was pretty sure it was more a matter of lethality.

Regardless, Violet would need to spend her mana while she had the chance. Sure, most of the time only one party showed up at a time with several hours in between each group. However, who knew how long that would last? It was better to get into the habit of using up the new dungeon points and mana right away.

As there wasn't much left to spend mana on in the already-built rooms, Violet headed to the bottom right roundabout of the dungeon and built a 5 meters hallway before finishing it off with a 16 meters x 16 meters square room. All this costed 37MP, so she only had 13MP left to play around with. It really wasn't enough to do much more, but Violet still made the best of it as she spent another 4MP on creating a round 2 meters x 2 meters hole that was 10 meters deep.

Violet was hoping to create a wishing well in the center of the room. However, it would take a bit more time before she could afford most of the research and building costs. Still, once it was done, Violet figured it would be a good way to ask for tribute as well as a good start to a room meant for rest.

Maybe that seemed too kind considering Violet needed to keep her dungeon core safe. However, she didn't really care. It was also important to encourage more adventurers to visit her dungeon. Creating a room meant for rest somewhere that was around halfway through the floor was a good way to encourage repeat visits. So, she was likely going to create a room on every floor while also having a new place to request tribute in exchange for her kindness. Hopefully, this would also mean that she'd get more dungeon points to invest in upgrading the dungeon in the future.

While Violet was upgrading her dungeon, there was a party preparing to enter. The adventurer's guild from the nearby small city, Elesfield, had finally gotten a party put together to explore the new dungeon. Leading this party was Tobias Humbleweed, a half-giant who was tall, broad-shouldered, and fairly muscular. He was also quite popular with the ladies as his well-groomed red hair, vibrant green eyes, and charming smile were considered quite attractive.

Tobias didn't wear much in the way of armor, nor did he carry much gear. He was a melee fighting class with the ability to harden his skin into a metallic gray sheen that allowed him to easily defend himself as well as to increase the damage his punches could deal out. However, unlike those who were of the shifter race, Tobias had no hang-ups about carrying extra gear with him.

As a B-rank adventurer, rather little tended to threaten his life, but he still knew he was always better safe than sorry. Besides, most of his other party members were significantly weaker than him. So, the extra health, mana, and stamina potions were bound to come in handy.

"I think everyone else is about ready to head in. Do you still need more time, big brother?"

Mirabella Humbleweed was every bit a beauty as her brother was charming. However, she was actually the weakest member of their party at a mere D-rank and she only had a navigator class as well. However, her rare class was rather useful to the adventurer's guild and it tended to help fund their party's adventures, so no one complained about her holding them back.

The Dangerously Cute Dungeon [A Dungeon Core LitRPG]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang