1.66 Pond Progress

307 12 0

"Gosh! Leveling up has been so easy since we came here, love. I hope the next floor of the dungeon has some good [Monsters] as well."

Camellia gushed. Avorn smiled adoringly at his wife as he replied

"I hope so too, sweetheart. It's quite good to have a forest nearby since it makes things easier. I don't know what the environment will be like on the other floors, but the first floor is a lot more comfortable than the others we've seen so far."

Camellia laughed as she replied

"Oh? You mean like those goblin caves?"

Avorn shuddered in disgust as he replied

"Those creatures are truly vile! They live in a lifeless cave and they're always using underhanded tricks."

This was the second time Camellia and Avorn were visiting Violet's dungeon today. Killing slimes tended to get a bit repetitive and there was only so much they could collect before their bags would get full. So, they stopped after a few hours in the morning to go sell most of the plants they had collected and to prepare lunch.

While he was hunting, Avorn managed to get an extra squirrel. This alongside a small handful of acorns he had found nearby had been brought to the dungeon as tribute. The acorns were small and could easily be carried in his pocket until it was time to throw them into the tribute well. After all, while there weren't any obvious [Traps] in the garden meadow room, it was much better to be safe than sorry, and having a space designated for rest was quite nice.

Of course, they had been wary of whether the room was safe or a trap the first few times they had used it. However, after not running into any other [Traps] in the dungeon and not having any issues with using the garden meadow room for rest, they now felt much more reassured about the whole thing. The level of safety in a dungeon could change at any point in time, but that was something every adventurer had to get used to early on.

It wasn't like this was Camellia and Avorn's first dungeon either. They had explored dungeons with skeletons, goblins, and even giant rats before. Plenty of those dungeons were dark places with very few challenges, resources, or places to rest. It made the dungeons much less enjoyable to explore and they tended to get sick of them pretty quickly before moving on to the next dungeon. Well, they would often get stuck in whatever town or city they were in until they could scrounge up enough resources to sell to afford to leave, but they didn't tend to stay any longer than necessary.

From what the more experienced adventurers had told them, it sounded like most dungeons tended to have more valuable resources the higher up you went. Most theories were that the dungeons used the resources as a way to convince the adventurers to climb higher despite the increased danger from [Traps]. Challenges would, usually, be sparsely placed throughout the floors with only three to five challenges per floor, at most. Even then, most of the challenges tended to have rewards like magic crystals or enchanted gear that was appropriate for the level of dungeon you were dealing with.

Well, apparently, some of the dungeons in other kingdoms were supposed to be quite impressive. Some of them would recreate jungles, the inside of a volcano, or even have underwater portions. The most impressive ones would have insects and other wildlife buzzing around and challenges that matched the theme of the floor. It was just that this particular kingdom was known for its mining-based dungeons that were filled with dreary caves on the lower floors and only those willing to climb high enough would ever get to see any real value from exploring the dungeon.

In comparison, this dungeon was like a breath of fresh air. There was a good bit of light throughout the dungeon, plenty of challenges to check out, and the [Monsters] were less annoying to deal with. As the leveling up would likely become more difficult as the days went by, it was likely that they'd need to start doing challenges and saving up for better gear. They would certainly need to be more appropriately geared if they wanted to check out the next floor. Avorn and Camellia spent a while longer defeating slimes before leaving the dungeon once more.

The Dangerously Cute Dungeon [A Dungeon Core LitRPG]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum