1.28 Goblin Attack

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The next day, Violet noted that her kodama had brought her black-eyed susans, butterflyweed flowers, and two repeats. So, Violet now had 13MP from her daily mana regen and another 72DP. As there wasn't much she could actually do with so little MP, Violet just bought another aqua slime for 10MP and 25DP.

Now, she would have one normal slime in the wildflower meadow and two aqua slimes in the slime parkour room. That likely wasn't enough to really make much of a difference if Violet actually had to defend the dungeon from attack. However, Violet also kind of doubted that any number of slimes would really be that helpful since the best they could do was knock enemies down and keep them slightly distracted.

Of course, this notion was soon put to the test as five goblins entered the dungeon. Violet was somewhat confused by the idea of adventurers entering the dungeon so early in the day. The only one who would normally come so early in the day was Gregory and his son Henry. This was likely because they were used to waking up early for farmwork, but that was neither here nor there.

When Violet went to investigate, she was shocked as she watched a party of five goblins attacking her flower meadow slime. Two were wielding spears, one had a wooden club, one had a bone knife, and the last, apparently, had earth magic. Violet was quite startled as she watched the floor of her dungeon lift as it rippled and sent her slime flying past her and into the wall.

While the goblins had been failing to defeat the slime previously due to not attacking its core, the act of throwing it against a wall with so much force certainly did the trick. Violet gripped her iron sword tightly as she felt her heartbeat skyrocket. Goblins were a lot smarter than zombies and this was likely to be her first real test in regards to protecting her dungeon. It was time to sink or swim.

Mudmag cheered in delight as the slime disintegrated and he was filled with energy. The party's leader, a female wielding a spear, gave him a smile and Mudmag puffed his chest up with pride. On the leader's orders, Mudmag and another of their group ran through the door on the opposite side of the room while the leader and two of the others in their group charged the strange human.

The leader had convinced them that they should attack the dungeon to steal the orb of energy at its center. She had promised to reward whoever got it for her and Mudmag was quite excited to do just that. This was his big chance! He couldn't fail now.

All his life, he had been known as a weakling who was weird for enjoying mud baths. However, his strange hobby paid off when he was granted the unique opportunity to become a powerful earth elementalist! Many of his peers now admired him, much in the way that he liked to admire boats, and his position would be secured if he could marry their leader's daughter. Maybe he could even take over the position of leader himself one day?

Mudmag pushed open the door to the room with the help of the club user and they quickly made their way through the hallway. However, he started to grow frustrated as he went around in circles. Was this the entrance he had come from or was it a different one? As the strange human came through the door, Mudmag ran away, ducking through the next entrance. However, his companion was not so lucky.

Mudmag's mind raced as he considered the implications of seeing the human. Had their leader been killed? Were his hopes and dreams already being crushed this easily? No! He refused, if Mudmag couldn't go with his original plan then he'd just have to take the energy orb for himself! If he could become strong enough, then Mudmag was bound to have his pick of the female goblins in his tribe.

However, Mudmag once more became frustrated as he took in the next room. How was he supposed to get across this water? He clumsily jumped onto the first platform before grumbling as he tried to jump to the next one. However, as he did so, something jumped out of the water and crashed into him, knocking him into the water.

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