1.21 Puzzling Puzzle

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After David left, Violet purchased two more 10 meters x 10 meters roundabout hallways as well as another two 5 meters hallways. Then, she called it a night and fell asleep in the slime jigsaw puzzle room. She didn't feel like being rained on and the grassy outskirts of the room were far better than the cold stone hallways or stone steps in the dungeon core room.

The next morning, Violet checked her dungeon status and saw she now had another 73DP from her kodama's efforts and 13MP from her daily mana regeneration. This put her total at 292DP, which she didn't have any real plans to spend right away. Violet planned to finish her room and hallway building strategy before investing any points into anything else. In that regard, Violet quickly spent 10MP on another two 5 meters hallways to connect the first half of the roundabout hallways to the new rectangle rooms.

Now Violet only needed another 10MP for another two 5 meters hallways. Luckily, Violet didn't have to wait very long before another group of adventurers entered her dungeon.

"Now, remember ladies, stay in formation. I don't want anyone dying on me."

Rosetta was sure to caution her other party members as they entered the dungeon. As a guardian, she played the role of tank for their party. Their party setup was a bit cliche with a guardian tank, monk and ranger damage dealers, and a healer. However, Rosetta rather preferred the setup since it made things simple.

"Don't worry, young one. You might have a few ranks on us, but we all passed the adventurer's test the same as you."

Balvna, their dwarven monk, assured Rosetta. Balvna was probably the oldest in their party, besides Estel. However, elves had longer lives and so their rate of maturity was a bit strange in comparison to humans and dwarves. However, Estle had a good head on her shoulders and she was quite skilled with her bow and shortsword, making excellent use of the skills she learned in her elven village.

Balvna and Estel were only F-ranks while Rosetta was C-rank and their healer, Aurora, was D-rank. However, that was just because humans had a tendency to let their young apply to be adventurers much sooner than the elves did. As for Balvna, she had failed to learn her father's blacksmithing techniques and had set out to find her own path as an adventurer after her younger brother was promised the workshop.

"The slime is cute, but I'm surprised there aren't any others around."

Aurora noted.

"Well, the scenery is quite nice as well. It isn't quite as nice as a real forest, but it isn't bad for a dungeon imitation."

Estel replied.

Aurora cleared her throat as she tried to bring her group's focus back to the task at hand.

"Well, let's dispatch the slime and then we can collect the available resources. Estel, why don't you take this one? You and Balvna could use the levels the most, so it would be good to take the chance while we have easier [Monsters] to practice on."

Estel nodded and readied her bow, lining up her shot, before letting her arrow loose. The first shot missed the core and Estel just pursed her lips as she lined up her next shot. That one did the trick and the slime soon dissolved into a puddle and Estel was rewarded with a system message. She had leveled up, which wasn't surprising considering she was only a few experience points away from her next level when she entered the dungeon.

"Alright, Blavna, why don't you join me on guard duty? I'd hate to have [Monsters] ambush us and there are three entrances in this room. Aurora and Estel can collect whatever plants we need and then we will move on when they are ready."

"Alright, you got it!"

Balvna easily agreed. Unfortunately, they had no way to know that there weren't actually any other [Monsters] in the dungeon. Almost all of the rooms were empty, save for one and it was a waste of energy and time for them to be so on guard.

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