1.3 The Dungeon Diplomat

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Violet felt a strange sense of alertness take over her and a sort of cold chill pass over her. She looked around rather confused as she sat up, but she wasn't left to wonder what was going on for long before a man appeared at the entrance of the room. He was wearing rather strange clothes and seemed to have come from the direction of the dungeon entrance.

Violet backed away, wondering if she would even have a chance if she started running now. However, the man raised his hands and didn't walk any further as he assured her

"Please, miss, I come in peace. There is no need to worry."

Violet furrowed her brows as she took a better look at the man. He didn't appear to have any weapons, nor was he wearing any armor. While a world of magic could mean he was still dangerous, Violet felt his clothing was still rather strange for a dungeon. The clothes appeared to be formal attire, but not modern by any standards. Violet briefly wondered if the world she was in now was a medieval one, much like the isekai novels she enjoyed reading previously. The attire seemed fitting for nobility in medieval times from such a novel.

"I'm sure all of this is very confusing for you. However, I am just here to do my job and to help explain things to you."

Violet felt even more confused as she looked at the man. Most novels with transmigration or reincarnation did not involve some random person from the world being aware of her situation. She could only hesitantly ask

"Who are you exactly? What exactly are you going to explain to me?"

The man did not seem surprised by the question, as if he was used to such conversations, and quickly replied

"I am Theodore, a dungeon diplomat. I have been assigned to look over this dungeon and to guide its new dungeon master, which would be you. I will need to take a look at your dungeon core to ensure everything is in working order, but I can answer any questions or concerns you may have after that. While I do realize that you may not trust me, I do not recommend resisting.

[Monsters] won't attack dungeon diplomats nor do [Traps] work on us. Although, I must say that I am quite surprised that you already have a room and monster prepared. Perhaps that is my fault? I do apologize for taking so long, but I was in the middle of checking in with one of the other dungeons I look after when I was notified of a new dungeon being established."

Violet felt like she only had more questions the more Theodore spoke, but she decided it would be best to be polite for now. It wasn't like she could resist, even if she wanted to. A slime would hardly be able to take a grown man out, even if he was unarmed.

"Alright, I'll show you the way. My name is Violet, by the way. It's lovely to meet you, Theodore."

Theodore was surprised by Violet's cooperativeness. It wasn't uncommon for new dungeon masters to be combative and suspicious of him when they first met. Some never quite adjusted to him and remained rather cold towards him, even after so many years of cooperation. However, Theodore soon had his answer to much of his confusion as he checked the dungeon core.

"Purple is an interesting color, but the dungeon core seems to be in good shape. There are no cracks or deformities that I can see and it seems to be functioning perfectly.

I must say that it is quite strange to see that you have your memories of your past life intact, though."

Violet felt shocked as she had already dismissed her worries about Theodore knowing what was going on when he hadn't brought it up previously. Theodore chuckled as he took in Violet's expression and quickly explained

"When new dungeons are made, the dungeon core will summon someone who is a good match for a dungeon master. Basically, you are two halves of a whole. However, what sort of dungeon master is summoned can vary greatly.

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