1.11 Beast Tamer Alice

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Later that day, Violet received another round of visitors. While she had been told it was a possibility, it was still a pleasant surprise to see there were others interested in her dungeon. Of course, that didn't keep Violet from remaining vigilant as she waited to find out just how dangerous her new guests were.

When a man dressed in armor and wielding a sword walked in, Violet felt nervous. Even seeing the young girl, who looked only slightly older than Henry, beside the man didn't calm Violet's nerves. This party seemed to be rounded out with a third member, a rather young-looking wolf who followed the young girl around like a love-sick puppy.

"Greeting dungeon master, I am David, a retired guardian adventurer, and this is my daughter Alice and her tamed beast, Luna. We are from the nearby small city of Elesfield. We heard that your dungeon might be suitable for younger adventurers and I came to investigate the matter. Where would you prefer we leave your tribute? You do not appear to have tribute tables set up."

The complaints about the lack of tribute tables were starting to become a bit tiring to hear, even if this was only the second time Violet had heard it. Still, what was, perhaps, more interesting was the mention of the city name. Violet hadn't even thought to ask about the town she was, apparently, nearby. Perhaps she could ask Gregory about it the next time he visited with his son.

"Right, sorry about that. You can just put any tributes at the foot of that tree. Just a fair warning, but this is the only room currently available for exploration in this dungeon. I have one slime monster that anyone is free to challenge and you may gather whatever resources you want from this room. However, once you have done that, you must leave and not return any sooner than tomorrow at the earliest."

David eyed the young woman who appeared to be serving as the dungeon master. He found her to be rather young and not particularly strong-looking. Most human dungeon masters who were originally from this world retained their classes after becoming dungeon masters and could use them to their advantage to defend the dungeon. However, Violet didn't look like she belonged to this world.

The purple dress she was wearing was a bit too casual to belong to a noble, but the quality and colors were far too expensive for anyone else to afford. That made it far more likely that she was one of the rare reincarnated dungeon masters who were reborn into the position. While weak, those sorts of dungeon masters had a tendency to be more clever and, therefore, far more dangerous. David nodded thoughtfully as he replied

"Very well, we shall do as you say. It is rare for dungeon masters to come out and greet adventurers. Thank you for blessing us with your presence. May I also have the honor of knowing how to address you?"

Violet's eyes widened in surprise as she replied

"You may call me mistress Violet. I appreciate your cooperation."

Violet decided to give up on forcing people to use a more casual title when addressing her. It was a waste of breath to constantly have to explain things to every new person who walked into her dungeon. Still, it was quite surprising to learn that it was unusual for dungeon masters to greet adventurers. Violet could see herself being more reluctant to always greet new adventurers once she had more floors, but right now it was certainly a necessary safety precaution. She was hoping to discourage anyone from trying to go deeper into the dungeon and reaching the dungeon core. Still, Violet couldn't imagine shutting herself away in the dungeon core room as it would feel far too lonely.

"It's alright, honey. I'll be right here, you can go ahead and engage the slime. If it gets too scary, you can come to me and I'll protect you."

Violet listened as David reassured his daughter and couldn't help but think the young girl was adorable when she replied

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