1.63 Boss Monster

388 22 1

The first time David left for the night, Violet used her mana to build the last three apple blossom trees of the eight she needed. Then she used the remaining 20MP to continue building the pond hole in the pond room. She noted she now had 40MP out of the 170MP needed for the pond hole now invested. This pond was certainly going to end up being expensive by the time everything was said and done. It was a real shame to spend so much of her resources on it, but, honestly, there wasn't a ton of use for small chunks of mana right now.

Violet joined back in on sword training when David re-entered the dungeon, but it seemed almost pointless to have his company. He was too tired to be of much help and so Violet was mostly just practicing her sword swings by herself while David occasionally made comments. Violet ended up shooing David away after an hour, happy to, at least, have another round of mana to spend. It was starting to seem pointless even to have David around if he couldn't spar with her and correct her on her form. Violet mostly had the various poses and sword swings down, so she could easily do that by herself.

This time, Violet spent her 50MP on a spawner for the boss room. Since she now had the hedges finished and all the trees planted, the next step was obviously to add a spawner. If she invested her mana into a slime and it died before she could get a spawner, it would be too disappointing. That was the only reason her previous 20MP wasn't put towards other small purchases for the boss room like a slime. Still, the next time Violet had a decent chunk of mana, she'd be purchasing a slime to work on evolving.

The next day, Violet checked her dungeon status menu

[Dungeon Status:

Current Mana 13 / 50

Current DP: 721

Current Floors: 1

Current Rooms: 9






As her kodama had brought her five repeats, she had only gained 5DP from all of its hard work. Violet was happy to see her dungeon points were at a nice level, but she knew it was likely she'd end up having to spend most of it to get a decent boss monster for her boss room. Speaking of, Violet quickly spent 10MP to summon a basic slime into the boss room. Then she moved on to the research stage of things.

"I'd like to research a rock-based slime evolution using earth magic."

[Would you like to research slimes using [Base Resources] stone and earth magic to create slime evolution [Rock Slime] for 250DP?

Yes or No?]

Violet selected the [Yes] option and then read the description for her new slime evolution.

-Rock Slime (25DP)

Requires a slime to evolve. Has a protective external layer made from stone. Shoots stone projectiles that cause minor damage, but are capable of evolving into larger varieties of slime.

Violet wasn't sure what was possible in regards to a slime monster, so this was much better than she had been hoping for. At best, she thought the slime might get a nice protective layer or be able to disguise itself as a large rock. However, a slime being able to shoot projectiles and have a hardened outer layer of stone armor was incredible!

Violet quickly upgraded her basic slime into a rock slime. She watched as the slime's semi-transparent skin started to harden and turn gray. Violet giggled as she said

"It looks just like a pet rock!"

The slimes didn't exactly have faces, normally, but this one had to have somewhere for the small stone pebbles to be launched from. So, it had two shallow eye-like holes and a larger, rounder hole for a mouth that the stone pellets could launch out from. Violet was a bit curious about how her new slime type would even be defeated.

The Dangerously Cute Dungeon [A Dungeon Core LitRPG]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora