Little Owls

331 19 4

The new day had brought Violet another 13MP and 2DP from her kodama. It wasn't entirely surprising that her kodama wasn't finding anything new to forage in recent days. The kodama was a very small creature who couldn't travel very far very quickly. Besides, if it really was supposed to snow any day now, then it was likely that there weren't very many plants left to harvest. Perhaps things would be easier in the spring?

Violet had just bought another two lollipops before going to rest. Surprisingly a new group of two visited the dungeon in that time. One of the energy signatures was weaker than the other, so it was easy to tell that it wasn't the two who usually visited the dungeon. This new group of two also didn't leave her wildflower meadow room. That made Violet wonder if Greggory and Henry were visiting the dungeon again, but she didn't bother to go and check. The last thing she wanted was to risk scaring away any new people who might be uncomfortable around her.

Perhaps, with time, the locals and the various adventurers who visited her dungeon would become more comfortable with her. It would certainly make it difficult for Violet to pretend to be a dungeon merchant if people weren't comfortable around her. Although, perhaps she was overthinking things? It wasn't like every adventurer who had entered her dungeon had immediately guessed that she was the dungeon master. If she could use that to her advantage, perhaps she could try to use the time it took for them to figure it out to convince them she wasn't a threat.

It didn't take long for the duo to leave her dungeon. Violet checked her system logs and noted she only got 2DP from their tribute. Well, that was to be expected to an extent as well. If one adventurer thought something was good enough to be a tribute, it was likely that others would as well. Besides, Violet wasn't even sure if most adventurers were aware of what value the tributes held for dungeons or if they just did it out of tradition. They certainly had no real way of being able to tell which tributes Violet had already received, if they even cared about that at all.

Oh well, that was a big part of the reason Violet wanted to try this whole dungeon merchant thing out in the first place. She planned to charge the same cost in tributes as she had spent in mana to create the [Items]. If she had to spend 5MP to create a wild violet and honey lollipop, then she wanted to receive a minimum of 5DP for it. Of course, it would be even better if she could get a new [Item] or [Base Resource] instead.

Perhaps many adventurers would get confused by her prices. They could just as easily trade her five random leaves from the outside world as they could five lesser healing potions since they would hold the same value for Violet. However, it couldn't be helped that what was worth a certain amount outside of the dungeon held a different amount of value inside the dungeon. Although, perhaps Violet could use that to her advantage? Maybe she should try to charge double the value of the items in her dungeon. Getting ten leaves for a lollipop still seemed utterly absurd, but she would hardly complain about getting an entire 10DP for the item.

Besides, even if people could purchase items for a bargain, they still had to find Violet first. She also had no intention of spending all of her mana on merchandise since she still needed some to build the dungeon. As for the rest, why should Violet begrudge anyone the chance to make a profit? They could make their profit and Violet could make hers. It really just sounded like a win-win to her.

With her mana full again, Violet decided it was time to build another room. 32MP was spent on building a 16-meter x 16-meter square room to the right of the wildflower meadow room. The hallway had already been built the day before, so it was easy enough to slot the room in right next to it. Violet planned to turn this new room into another puzzle room. It was likely that she wouldn't need to build very many more rooms. Heck, maybe this was the last one she needed.

Violet decided to pull up the [Missions] menu.


Origin: System

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