Still, no one spoke.

"Alright, first person to give me an idea, any idea at all, gets a five hundred dollar bonus."

Almost immediately, someone answered.

"Sir, since Ms. Brooks seems to be the cause of our problem, maybe you should let her go." Our CFO spoke.

"Excuse me?"

"Please don't take this the wrong way. It's just that, well, she's been getting special treatment."

"She most certainly does not. She has earned everything that she's gotten while working here."

"You've been giving her an extra thousand dollars for three weeks."

A few people gasped.

"You know damn well that the money I gave to her came out of my own paycheck!" I raised my voice slightly.

"Sir, you fired Megan. She can sue for wrongful termination." The company attorney spoke.

"She can't sue for anything because she was harassing other employees."

Another person began speaking. "Sir, it's no secret that Megan and Annie didn't like each other. Are we wrong to assume that you did this for Annie?"

"I don't have to defend myself or Ms. Brooks! Please raise your hand if your last name is Irwin." No one did anything. "Yeah. It's my name that's on this building, and it's my name that signs all of your paychecks! I highly suggest that you gentlemen get another job ready, because you're walking on thin ice at this one."

I stood up and left the room. My threat was an empty one. I had no intentions of firing any of those men.

I was just frustrated with everyone telling me how to live my life. I didn't understand why so many people were against my relationship with Lily.

The day before my mum left, she accused me of going through a midlife crisis. She said that I needed to stop putting the company at risk by creating a possible scandal.

I told her that I was going to date Lily no matter what she thought, but it really killed me to do so. I had always been so close to my mum, but all of that was ruined because she didn't approve of me liking someone that was a little younger.

I sighed when I got to my office. I sat down in my chair and unlocked my phone. I smiled at the picture on my home screen.

It was Lily trying to eat a cheeseburger with one hand. She had ketchup on her cheeks, and the burger was halfway out of the bread. That was probably my favorite moment from our second date.

I went to my contacts and called Lily. It rang a few times before she answered.


"Hey, kitten. Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, but I thought you were in a meeting."

"I was." I sighed.

"What happened?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it."

"Okay. Well uh, I left my jacket in your car and I kind of need it because it's Shaylin's and she wants to wear it today."

"Do you want me to bring it to you?"

I heard shuffling in the background before she answered.

"No I'm actually kind of already on my way to get it." She admitted.

"Lily why are you acting like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you're nervous."

Daddy (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now