1 Juliette

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I see your eyes judging me. I can only picture the thoughts you have as my body slides down this pole. But you don't know what MY eyes have seen. You don't know what thoughts have ran through MY mind. So, judge all you want, but at the end of the night, I'm the one that can sleep with a sound mind knowing I didn't divulge in any sinful pleasures.

I turn around and give the crowd my backside and anticipate their whistles and shouts because they always come. I close my eyes and slowly sway my hips while using my quads to lower my ass to the floor. I feel the black thong I'm wearing slide in between my ass cheeks. When I reach the floor I engage my glutes and slowly slide back up the pole. The men always like this one.

"And as usual, the house goes crazy for our very own slice of heaven. That's all for tonight ladies and gents. Up next we have Candy coming on to the stage."

"Booooo! We want more Heaven. Heaven. Heaven......"

I drown the noise out. The curtains have closed. Deep breath in Juliette, and let it out. I open my eyes and make eye contact with pale blue eyes. Candy.

"Sounds like the crowd enjoyed you tonight, as always." Candy says as her eyes move down to the bills I have strapped into my g-string. She pops her lollipop back into her mouth, puckers her lips, and winks. Then she struts past me for the stage.

I'm not very close to anyone here. I show up, do my job, collect the cash and leave just to repeat it all over again the following night. It doesn't bother me. I think it would have in the beginning ; not having a friend here or someone to talk to but I shouldn't have been in this place to begin with.

I slam the door shut, engage the 3 locks I've installed myself and lean against it. $1200. That's what I usually make in one night with the right crowd. With it being the start of winter, most men like staying inside for their "business meetings", so more money for me. I haven't been stripping long; a couple of months maybe. Trust me, it was my last resort. I tried anything and everything else before but nothing has ever made me as much cash as stripping does. I release a breath I've been holding in, push off the door and start to remove my clothing. I always shower first; I believe washing that place off of me helps me feel better. Better about life, myself, this shitty situation I've been in for too damn long. The pipes strain when I turn the hot water on all the way. I step under the light flow of water and close my eyes, letting the clear liquid wash away all of my filth.


"Juliette, not too far. You know your father will be very upset."

"I know mom. I won't go too far. I just want to take some pictures for the project Ms. Thorton assigned me today." I shout as I run for the forest.

Dad always gets anxious when I want to leave the house. Never the estate, I'm not allowed. He only allowed me to wander around the house this year after turning 12 and that was because mom and I begged him. I usually just enjoy being out of the house, but today I have a task. A task that entails pictures of my favorite bird, the American goldfinch. I feel the familiar butterflies in my tummy as I pick up speed further into the woods. My left hand clinches the birdseed I found in the garden shed right before taking off and I smile picturing the joy on Ms. Thornton's face when I present my photos to her on Monday. It gets more quiet the further I run into the forest. I no longer hear all of the guards shouting, or Mrs. Rozetti's humming as she cooks in the kitchen. It's just me and the sounds of nature. I slow to a walk as I huff and puff from my run while approaching my usual spot. It might be further than what mom allows but I've been coming here for months, and it's been my spot every since. I'm sure it'll be fine; I won't be long anyways. Dad will be home by 6pm and last I checked, it was 5:15. I slowly unclench my hand and allow the birdseed to trail on the forest floor as I make way to my usual broken tree branch to sit on.

Anyday now. A birds got to be hungry. I'm sure it's been well over 30 minutes since I sat down and not one darn bird has chirped by me. I start to tap my foot as I get antsy. I've used 5 of the 10 films I brought with me for my fuji film camera, so I can't waste anymore film on the flowers around here.

"Come on, I know you finches are hungry. Aren't you? I know I am" my stomach growls.

Dads going to be home soon and I know he'll make me spend my weekend practicing piano again. I need these darn pictures. Its spring, shouldn't this area of the forest be flocked full of all kinds of birds? I set my camera down on the ground and slump down to lean against the branch to wait.

I suddenly wake. What was that? It was loud. Very loud. I rub the sleep away from my eyes; its darker. Way too dark to be 6pm. Oh man, I'm gonna get in trouble this time. Moms probably freaking out and if mom is freaking out dads going to be livid. My heart rate starts to pick up as my mind starts to come up with all of the awful piano playing dads going to force on me this weekend. I stand quickly, brush off my jeans and start running back to the house. There's a bright light ahead, huh, I didn't think the shed lights reached this far. But we usually don't have any bright lights on after dark, at least not bright enough to see this deep into the forest. Dads probably sent out a search party for me. I roll my eyes, he's always been a little too protective of me. A little? Juliette, you're 12 and he's never allowed you off of the estate. The closer I get to the light, the more yelling I hear. I can't quite make out what's being yelled. I run a little faster.

"I'm coming. Don't worry. I'm coming." I shout, hoping one of the guards hear me. I'm breathing heavy now. More yelling, shouting. Orange? We don't have orange lights. I force my feet to continue moving even though I'm tired at this point. Something doesn't feel right. The estates lights are a different color. I hear my heart beating in my ears. Faster Juliette, faster. My fingertips feel tingly and my legs start to feel like jello.

"I'm coming. Sorry. I'm coming, chill your bon......"

It's too hot, and what's that smell? Smoke? It gets warmer the closer I get to the house. I listen for any yelling or shouting. Nothing. No, Mrs. Rozetti has never caught anything on fire. I will my feet to move faster. It's too quiet, something isn't right. I approach the clearing of the woods and my home, my home is covered in fire? Oh god.


I jolt back to the presence of the hot water running down my skin. The room is filled with smoke now and it makes me hate this day even more. Smoke....I can't stand it. The smell, the look, the feeling of your eyes burning; I hate it. I hate it all.

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