Chapter 71: Charlie

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My knees crashed to the cement floor. My eyes on Gally. He had fallen sideways, the spear piercing his chest, his steel blue eyes wide open. Staring right at me. I watched the light leave his beautiful intense eyes.

It was only then that I felt the white hot intense pain in my stomach. I tried to call for help, but all I could choke out was a half whispered, "Tommy."

My body crumpled forward. Landing in a heap. I felt my body fluctuate between hot and cold.

Thomas's face appeared over me. His eyes widened in horrified realization.

"Charlie?" He whispered confused.

My body was already starting to convulse. I could feel the hot blood pouring from the hole that ripped through my body. It was a burning hot stabbing pain. Breathing hurt. I tried to take a breath, my lungs filling up with hot thick blood. It made me choke, I coughed, red spit splattered into Thomas.

I vaguely felt Thomas shaking my shoulders. There was a sharp pain in my stomach as he pressed a hand onto the wound. It made me wince, making me cough again; splattering him again.

"" I whispered.

Thomas gave up trying to stop the bleeding, it wasn't helping. He pulled my shaking body into his arms, I was so cold now, I wouldn't stop shaking.

"Charlie!" he screamed; his made my heart hurt.

I didn't want him to feel like that. I tried lifting a hand to his cheek, it just left a streak of blood on his face.

"Charlie!" He cried again.

I shook uncontrollably, my blood was everywhere; it soaked Thomas's hands.

I felt my vision slowly darken; my eyes had rolled up.

"CHARLIE! NO!" He screamed, shaking my shoulders, my vision cleared for a moment.

I felt blood trickle out of my nose and mouth.

"Charlie ...," Thomas said, this time a whisper.

I had no more energy, my body was slowly calming down, the convulsing slowed. My eyes slid back into normal position, focused on Thomas.

"Tom ... mmy." It was one word, barely there.

"Hang on, Charlie!" Thomas cried, tears slid down his grimmy face. "Don't die-fight it. Someone get help!"

"Tommy..." I whispered. "Please!"

My lungs squeezed, the thick blood blocking the air flow, throwing me into a wild fight if coughing, which shit pain through my body,
spraying blood.

"Charlie, no! No I can't! It's yours! It was moms! You're gonna be okay! Just please...Charlie, please!" He begged.

I slid the ring I always wore off. The ring that help find my brother, he needed it back. It was our mom's. I tried forcing it into his hand, but my hands shook.


He did, he finally took it. Holding it close to he's chest. His other hand held me tight to his chest.

" you ...Tommy..."

My head flopped. I saw all the boys I loved, the ones still standing, anyways. Newt had buckled he was on his knees, tears slid down his face, his soft beautiful beautiful chocolate brown eyes full of broken sorrow. Minho stood stiff, but his eyes were also broken and haunted, they had lost all their mischief and spark. Frypan's usual joy filled face was twisted in pain. And I saw Chuck. My favorite kid, his innocent doe eyes had lost all their innocence. His joyous child like smile was broken in a silent cry.

Before my eyes slid closed, I saw Gally's steel blue eyes.

"Charlie!" Thomas screamed, shaking me.

My hearing was muffled.


My vision went cloudy.


Third Person

The door slid closed to the control room. The men in black tactical gear had just pulled Thomas away from Charlie's lifeless body. He was a stubborn one, kicking and screaming to get back to her. It was quiet in the dark room. The buzzer was still going.

Another door on the opposite wall opened and a thin man stepped through. He was wear white slacks and a high necked white sweater. He stepped carfully over the bodies, not bothering to look at them.

"A fine performance, Chancellor."

His voice was naisley, and thin. He waited for the woman in the corner to pick herself up, brushing off the glass and debris from her suit. He picked at a spot on his chin. His eyes wandered around the room.

"Subject A3?" The Chancellor asked.

The man looked up from his kneeling position and nodded. The door behind them opened again and a team of doctors came flooding in. They scrambled around Charlie's body. They got her into a gurney and flexed from the room.

"Subject A9?" She asked, straightening her clothes and tugging on the sleeves of her jacket.

The man shrugged, and stood up. "It's not important, if he's not, he will be shortly." He waved a dismissive hand. "We got as much from his Killzone as we probably could have."

The Chancellor nodded.

"Come, Director Janson." She said curtly,
"Let's go observe this niece of yours, that you claim is vital, and discuss Phase two of The Maze Trial with the board."


**Well Shuck me!**
**I actually sobbed. Hard. Writing this chapter. Like wholly Shuck did I cry.**

**Onto PART TWO**

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