Chapter 36: Recovery

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*🌶️spicy kissing scene 🌶️*
**viewer discretion is advised**

It took me a few days to feel well enough to get up. During the days Newt, Clint, Jeff, Frypan and Alby and whichever runner was off would rotate staying with me. In the evenings, Minho and Ben would come sit for a bit and then would leave when Gally came. He came and stayed the rest of the evening and the night.

He never pried for information about what I remembered. I didn't want to talk about it. It always made a wave of anxiety, fear and shame hit me like a punch to the gut, it made my breathing come in short gasps.

It usually happened at night, I would wake up from nightmares of a dark room, and a bright spot light shinning over me, I was strapped to a bed and the sounds of medical instruments could be heard pain exploding through my small body. Or being held in tanks of water, being poked prodded and being shocked by long sharp needles. Sitting at a computer screen with a few other kids, sitting beside someone, a boy, at a table in a bright room while someone marched in front of us, making us work.

Tonight was the worst one:

'Go! Go visit her! You need another reminder!"

I was walking down along a dark underground cave hall. It was dark cold and smelt like rotten meat. On each side of the tunnel there was a floor to roof fence with thick metal bars, behind this fence were wild screeching animals, but they looked more human than animals. They screamed and called. Some called for help, most lunging at the bars trying to hurt me.

There was one of these monster animal like humans at the end. She resembled a woman, but it had big open sores and long scratches over her body, some looked fresh while others looked scabbed and infected. Her hair was long, greasy and matted, chunks were missing, like she had ripped it from her own scalp. Big thick ropy greenish black veins all over its body. It was the eyes that made my heart freeze and my blood ran cold. The things eyes were wild and crazy, blood shot but dead and black.

What I didn't understand was that I was crying and calling for it. I sank to my knees, calling, crying and pleading. The thing had a heavy metal collar around its neck with a thick chain attached to the rough rock wall.

It screamed and nashed it's bloody teeth, black phlem and goo flying from its mouth but then it would start wailing and crying and calling "My babies! My babies are here!"

A hand of a boy grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the creator that called out for me to come back, but then would go crazy and try to lung and hurt me, being yanked back by the thick chain.

I woke screaming, with someone's arms around me trying to shush me. All I could hear though, was the wailing and the crying of that monster. All I could see was her wild dead eyes and rotting face.

"You're okay! Charlie, you're okay, it was just a dream!"

"No! No it wasn't!" I cried. Burying my face into Gally, "it was real!"

I felt him sigh. He sat up a bit more and pulled me into his lap, gently running his finger tips up and down my back. He let me cry, just holding me tightly.

I eventually got my tears and crying under control. I was sniffing and taking shuddering breaths.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked quietly, "I might be able to help."

I shrugged. My face still pressed into his muscular chest. He rested his chin on top of my head.

"It was kind of...a human. But it wasn't really. It was...awful. It looked like a half dead wild animal...chained to a wall."

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