Chapt 30: What Do You Want?

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WICKED is good.

...this won't hurt...not at all...

This is for the greater good, now do as you were designed to do.

Remember... WICKED is good

I woke up with a scream, a hand on my shoulder. I bolted straight up and into the corner. Breathing hard and fast.

"Charlie!" Someone yelled, "It's just me!"

I blinked and rubbed my temples, then rubbed my forehead aggressively. Trying to sooth the pounding headache.

"Why'd you come here?" Gally asked.

I dropped my hands into my lap. Why did I come here? Because I was scared and panicking and needed a safe quiet place? Because yesterday Gally allowed me to come here in the most vaunerable state I could possibly be in and he kept me safe? Because...I just wanted him. Instead I asked,

"Are you mad?"

He sighed and sat down at the foot of the bed, running a hand down his face.


I furrowed my eyebrows, and cocked my head. His tense shoulders and back, his dark eyes, short snippy senance said otherwise.

"Are you sure? Your whole body and demeanor say otherwise."

"I'm fine Charlie."

With a sinking feeling and a hurt I tried to hide, I forced a thin smile. Sliding carefully to end of the bed, I untangled myself from the blanket and stood up. Slipping the hoodie off and I hung it off the back of the chair before walking over to the door.

"Sorry to have been here." I whispered, my back to him, I tried to hide my hurt.

I pulled the door open. But it was pushed roughly closed. Gally was right behind me, his chest up against my back, he had reached over me and pushed the door closed and held it. With my heart beating wildly, my hand was still in the door handle.

"Don't." He growled.

"Don't what?" My voice hardly above a whisper.

"Leave. Don't leave."

"Are you sure?"

He hummed, and I felt his chest rumble. I was scared to move. Not that I was scared of him. But I was scared of where this situation was going to go.

"You're not..." He trailed off. He had whispered in my ear, making a shiver run down my spine and goosebumps to appear on my bare arms

"I'm not what?" I whispered, turning my head slightly.

"A whore."

I paused. "I know that." I snapped.

I heard him growl.

His hand was still on the door, he used his other hand to spin me around and held me against the door.

"You spent the afternoon in the MapRoom again."

"Yeah. So?"

"You spend a lot of time in there and with Minho."

I growled as I looked up at him, narrowing eyes. I shoved his chest slightly and ducked around him.

"Are you jealous?"

"He's an aragont jerk."

"He's areagont. Your mean. Alby is grouchy. Newt's a bit fruity. I'm snippy. Zart's a coward. Dug is a sleezey jerk. We all have our things."

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