Chapter 43: The Fight

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I sat beside Minho at the Fire, while Gally did his thing with his drinks. I sat huddled with the Runners. We were all quiet. We all felt the horrible loss of Jax and Ben.

I had a jar of Gally's drink in my hand. I took a few small sips, but I just couldn't. Minho and I sat shoulder to shoulder, staring into the fire. I caught a bit of Newt and Chuck's conversation with the Greenie.

His questions were oddly similar to mine, and it made me follow him with my eyes. I watched as Newt explained, very similarly the workings of the maze. Chuck got up for some food. I kept an eye on Newt and the Greenie.

"...were stuck here aren't we."

"For the moment." I saw Newt twist around and point to us. "You see those guys? There, by the fire? Those are the runners. That guy in the middle there, that's Minho. He's the Keeper of the Runners. And the girl? Our onl' girl, she's his second. Every morning, when those doors open, they run the maze...mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out."

"She's the only girl?"

"Yep." Newt popped the p.


I saw Newt shrug and turn back to lean on the log. "She's been here almost a year. No idea why she's the only bloody shuck girl."

The Greenie was quiet, I could feel his eyes on me. But I just started into the fire. Keeping my ears open, straining to hear more.

"She has a thing with that jerk Gally guy."

I turned my head ever so slightly.

"She does."

"Why? He's an asshole."

"Greenie. You've been here a few hours. There's a lot going on you don't know."

"Then tell me! Tell me what's going on, Newt."

I saw Newt sag, I saw his shoulders drop.

"No. It's not my place. And don't you be poking around." He said sharply.

Even from behind I saw the tension in his body, I could almost feel the tension from him. It was like I could feel his frustration. No one was giving him answers and each answered question brought up more questions.

I went back to staring blankly into the fire for a while. Laying my head on Minho's shoulder. He lay his head on top of mine and we just sat, feeling the weight of Jax's loose. Minho had gone out alone to try find any sign of him, anything we could bury. Only thing he found was the blood stains.

I glanced at Newt and the Greenie again.  I nudged Minho, breaking him out of his stooper and nodded in their direction.

Newt had either consciously or not scootched closer. They were sitting across the fire, leaning on a log, facing away from the group.

Minho and I watched as they looked at each other, talking, slowly leaning in. Minho glanced at me and we both let our lips twitch into a small smile. The Greenie pulled away at the last minute, and took a sip of the jar. Spitting it out everywhere.

Minho and I both sagged.

"So close." Minho sighed.

I shook my head. Watching again as Newt got up and pulled the Greenie to his feet and steered him through the crowd.

Gally was done at the drink table and came over, pulling me from the runners. He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me over to the sand pit.

"Come watch."

He had to tell in my ear. I just nodded. He sat down and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me. His chin on my shoulder we watched the two guys in the ring.

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