Chapter 48: The Dead One

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I woke up early. And ready to go. I actually slept last night...and it seemed Gally did too. I lay for a few minutes with my face pressed into his neck. I kissed him gently. And I felt him stir. I smirked a little and kissed him again, it was a gentle hardly there brush of my lips, but I felt his chest rumble. Gently, I sucked on one spot, swirling my tongue I felt his heart beat pick up.

"This is one way to wake up!" He whispered horsely, but I heard the grin and amusement in his sleep laden voice.

I just hummed. I climbed on top of him, resting my chin on his chest. He shifted so his one arm was under his head. His one hand went to my hair, running his hands through it.

"What's your big plan for today?" I asked.

"Fixing the Homestead roof and a hole in the barn, shucken cow made a huge hole." He yawned.

I hummed. "good that."


He gently applied pressure on the back of my head, so I had to shifted higher. He lifted his head and kissed me gently.

"Checking out that dead Griever Min and I found yesterday."

He kissed me again. Then pulled away slowly and laid back down. He had a frown on his sleepy face.

"You'll be careful?" The worry in his voice made my tummy flutter.

"Yes. Alby is coming with me, and Min I'll be okay. Newt'll be in charge for the day."

He hummed.

"Hey, I'll see you at super!"

"You in the maze always...makes me uneasy."

"I know. And thank you for not fighting me on it anymore. It's gonna be fine, babe. I'm with Min and Alby."


"Stop worrying!"

I left a small trail of kisses from his toned strong chest.

"I'll help you forget your worries." I purred in his ear.

"Shuck it Char!" He whispered, pushing his head back into the pillow, he closed his eyes and growled when I went back to kissing his chest and up his neck and down his jaw to his lips.

He wrapped his arms around me, one around my back his hand on my butt the other burried in my hair.

It was a good thing we woke up a bit earlier than I needed to be, to meet Minho as Alby in the MapRoom

I came waltzing in, a smile on my still slightly flushed face.

"Someone is glowing." Minho raised an eyebrow.

"Why thank you Mouse."

"How's Gally doing this morning?"

I raised an eyebrow, "why don't you go ask? He's already at the Tool table."

I smirked at Minho and walked over to the model, and looked down. I heard him chuckle and he stepped up beside me.

"It's good to see you smile again, Tiger." He said seriously, he glanced at me from the side of his eye, but his head was looking down at the model.

I paused thinking, what had changed? I had no idea. I did feel better emotionally than other days. I shrugged.

"The other day...Tommy helped me make...a small cross for baby Bean. And it really helped me say good bye, and I brought Gally last night. We said our good byes." I said quietly.

Minho didn't say anything but put his hand on my back.

"You and Greenie have made quite the connection early."

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