Chapter 2: I Won't Cry

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I was stuck in a metal cage with gawking boys above me. 

What the hell kind of situation did I get myself into? 

I kept a weary eye on the boy in front of me. I was thankful he kept his distance. My heart was pounding so hard my ribs hurt. I tried to hid my short shallow breathing by biting my lip. My hands open and closed into fists. My back was pressed into the cold metal cage wall. 

"So, right. My name. My name is Newt." The boy said. 

I didn't say anything. I had no idea what to say, I couldn't remember anything..

"Why can't I remember my name?" My voice came out dry, and quieter than I was hoping. 

The boy's eyes lost their curiosity and became sad. He looked away, at a spot on the floor, and took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. 

"It's normal. No one can remember their bloody name when they first come up. It'll come back in's the only bloody thing they let us keep." Newt said sadly. 

I just nodded. This made no sense. None of this made sense, the cage, the gawking boys, the memory loss. Nothing was right, this has to be some weird nightmare I'm still stuck in. 

"NEWT!" The deep voice yelled down. "Is the girl coming up?" 

Newt looked back at me, raising his eyebrow at me. 

"Wanna get out of the shuck box? No one likes it down here. Smells better out there." 

He held out a hand for me to take, I didn't move. My hands still in fists I stayed flat against the cage wall.  He sighed, and looked back up at the crowd of boys. 

"Gally! Throw down the rope!" He called up, "Shebean is stubborn." He muttered.

"I heard that." I growled. 

He doesn't know me! heck, I don't even know me! But..that seems accurate. 

Newt chuckled to himself. A rope that looked more like a vine was dropped into the box. 

"Here ya go. I wont touch ya, they can pull ya up." Newt said as he backed away a few steps, giving me room. 

I gave him a sharp look and a sharp node. I stepped slowly towards the vine. I glanced up before grabbing on. All the guys were staring down wide eyed, mouths open. I swear a few had drool coming out of their mouths. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. 

"Hold on, girl." Another deep voice yelled down. It sent a weird shiver down my spin. 

"I have a name!" 

"Oh ya? What's that?" He yelled back. 

I opened and closed my mouth a few times. Then frowned and wrinkled my forehead. I really couldn't remember what my own name was! I felt a sharp pain again, but nothing came forward, no name no letter, nothing. my mind was blank. 

"I thought not." He snickered with a roll of his eyes. 

"Yeah..well at least I don't have stupid eyebrows." I snarked, folding my arms, still staring up at him. 

I heard a snort of laughter from behind me. I looked over my shoulder, Newt had a hand over his mouth, trying to hide his laughter. He was doing a poor job. I let my lip twitch into something resembling a smile. 

"Are you coming up? Or should I close the door and leave you?" The boy snapped.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed the vine, testing it. Stupid boys. I don't need them to pull me, I'm not breakable, and I'm not weak! I decided to ignore the rope and the boys. I jumped and grabbed the side of the cage, and pulled myself up, I could feel the burning and straining in my muscles. But Now that I was this far into my stupid decision, I couldn't back out now. I pulled myself up. As soon as my head cleared the surface, all kinds of hands grabbed onto me and yanked me up. I felt my feet hit the ground. My knees gave out and I hit the ground. I heard a few snickers. More hands grabbed me, trying to pull me back up. 

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