Chapter 7: The Slammer

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**Will ages like fine wine! (Just sayin'!)**

It was cold. It was so cold in the Slammer. I had no idea how long I sat there in the dark and cold. I stopped shivering a long time ago. It was deep inside of me. I could see my breath every time I exhaled. I had no tears to cry, they would have frozen to my face anyways.

I sat with my eyes wide open, staring glassy eyed at the opposite dirt packed wall. Nothing ran through my mind, except the blank cold and how much this place sucked. I lowered my head and placed my chin on my knees.

There was a soft tread on the ground outside. I jerked my head up. Every nerve suddenly awake. I blinked my eyes and shook my head quickly and scrambled to my feet as fast as my frozen joints would allow. Pressing my stuff back into the wall behind me. There was a sudden quick knock on the door.

"Hey! Green Bean?"

"Lil lady?"

I recognized those two voices. I instantly relaxed. A small smile formed in my lips.

"Guys? What are you doing here?"

I stumbled forwards towards the door and the barred window. I threw my hands up as a small torch of fire appeared. After so much time in the black darkness the blazing fire stung my eyes. Fred jammed the end of the torch into the ground.

"Jeepers! Girl, your lips are blue!" He yelped as he looked down at me.

"Don't worry. I'm finally as cold as my heart." I said between chattering teeth.

Frypan appeared in the small window beside Fred. His face filled with concern. I tried hard to keep my hands from shaking. But I could feel how stiff and cold everything was. My feet were numb, I couldn't feel them anymore.

"Here! We brought you some stuff. Newt is very concerned for you." Fred whispered.

He tried to shove a blanket through the tight bars. He gave up, and looked very upset.

"It's okay Fred. I'm fine!" I whispered. Trying to hide my chattering teeth.

Frypan then a hand through the bars, he was holding a mug of something. I could see the steam coming off the top. I reached both hands out to grab the mug but my hands were so stiff I almost dropped it.

I sat down again with the mug grasped tightly in my hands. I whimpered in releaf. But it was so hot on my hands it burnt. Fred and Frypan stood at the door watching me. I slowly looked up and gave them a tight lipped smile of graditude.

"Thank you." I chattered. "You guys should go. Alby might throw you in here, for aiding a fugitive. Or some stupid klunk."

Both boy's frowned.

"Go." I insisted. I didn't need the few friends I think I made getting into trouble because of me.

Frypan sighed and turned away. Fred reluctantly followed. The little bit of light that was there with the fire disappeared leaving me in the cold silent dark again. Stifling a small cry I gripped the mug even tighter, pulling my freezing shaking legs up, and huddled in the corner.

My eyes were getting heavy. My thoughts were sluggish and I couldn't stop shaking and shivering. My teeth where chattering so much I'm surprised no one woke up because of them. I don't think I could stand up even if I wanted to. My heart felt like it was trying to work over time trying to pump blood through my body. My eyelids were heavy. I finally lost the battle and they slid shut. I don't remember anything else.


Third person

Gally woke up early and had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He groaned as he stretched in his bed. He sat up throwing the blankets aside he yawned. He winced when he stretched his lip.

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