Chapter 19: Congratulations Snips!

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I waited outside the Map Room for Minho, I had seen him and Ben come through the doors and head straight for the little concrete building.

The door creeked open, Ben and Minho stepped out deep in conversation, their faces serious. Minho ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He nodded his head at Ben. Minho goraned and shook his head and did a double take.

His face broke out I to a huge smile. Ben frowned and then followed where Minho was looking and he smiled wildly too.

"Hey Tiger!" Minho waved, walking over.

"Charlie! Hope you weren't waiting by the tree all day!" Ben chuckled.

"Nah, I was causing all sorts of mayham and ruckus today. Got a guy thrown into the slammer. It was quite the day."

"Okay slow your roll! Sit down and tell us everything!" Minho plunked down pulled me with him.

I groaned holding my ribs.

"Oh shuck! Sorry! How are those doing? What did Jeff say?" Minho asked.

"Two weeks of light duties, and another follow up. But says I'm good."

"Now onto the good stuff! I want the juicy details!" Ben's face lit up in excitement.

I chuckled and told them what happened, even what the guy said, word for word. Minho's jaw had dropped and Ben looked shocked.

"Shanks have been saying that stuff to you? Shuck it Charlie! I didn't know it's been so rough for you! I can understand why you avoid the dinning areas and people." Ben frowned, he sounded genuinely sorry.

I liked Ben. He had a kind heart, and seemed to wear his emotions on his face. When he was happy you knew when he was angry you knew. And right now he looked genuinely sorry for me.

"Well glad Gally did something with that skint head. I woulda let him have one to the face first...but..."

"Trust me. I wanted to. But I was a good little girl."

"Shuck that klunk. You don't need to be a good girl. Be a bad ass boss bitch!" Minho said fiercely.

Ben and I glanced at each other and tried to hold a snicker back.

"Did...did you just say...badass-"

"Boss bitch. Yes I did. Gotta a problem with that, Shank?" Minho asked lofty.

"No no. Just didn't think I'd hear that out of your mouth!" Ben laughed.

Minho rolled his eyes. And then pointed at me. I leaned back on my hands and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Have you got an answer for me?"

I nodded. I glanced at Ben who was looking back and forth between us. Minho glanced at Ben and waved a hand.

"He's fine, Ben knows. I talked it out with him." Minho waved his hand dismissively again. He placed his elbows on his knees and leaned forwards.

"So? What's your answer?"

I nodded my head. "Yes. I accept. All though, I've been thinking this afternoon, I won't be able to actually do anything for at least another two weeks...can we keep it quiet for a little while?"

Minho tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Does it have to pass the council? Or can we go talk to Alby and just have him agree. You know most of those guys would rather see me washing laundry then doing something else."

"Very true Tiger." Minho nodded again thoughtfully.

"Maybe start training secretly? Show her the Map Room, get her comfortable with that part and klunk in the evenings." Ben suggested slowly.

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