Chapter 24: Glade Manager

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My week went fairly smoothly. Only had to punch one other guy for getting too close to me, and wouldn't back off. Alby and Newt were both around to see it, having a conversation with Zart and when he dropped in a spray of blood, they stopped their conversation and looked with mild interest, Zart shuffled away a few steps.

"Keep your dirty hoe hands to yourself!" I growled. 

Newt raised an eyebrow, silently asking if I was all right, I nodded at the group, picked up the crate of fresh veggies and stepped over him. Alby and Newt went back to their conversation like nothing happened. I smirked to myself.  Finally, if they were going  to actually let me stand up for myself, this would be a whole lot easier. 

I kept myself in the Kitchen mostly, staying busy in the back. Tim and Vinny were great. They didn't pry or ask any questions, and knew how to keep the kitchen light hearted. When Fry shooed us out for a break I went straight to the Map Room. I had started working on the gluing. It was taking longer then I hoped. Gluing twigs is not a fun chore. But Minho had set the two runners who weren't on duty to help. Each day it was a different guy. Minho had a good system, each day a runner would get a break, having one of the subs jump in, it kept everyone active, everyone had a chance at running a section and and gave each guy a much needed break. 

I was feeling a whole lot better and couldn't wait to actually get into the maze. But I still needed to be cleared by Jeff, and that would be in two days. Tomorrow was Greenie day, the day a new kid shows up to this hell hole, and we get a supply of stuff. I had helped Jeff go through the supplies in the Med Hut, making an inventory of everything we had, and then making a chart of things we needed, or a resupply of. I did the same thing with Fry and the kitchen and cooking supplies I tried with Zart, on Alby's orders, but he refused to be anywhere close to me. So, I worked with Newt instead. After showing Alby the lists, he asked if I would do that for each Keeper and keep a binder or notebook of all this, so the request lists were done right and all on one piece of paper. 

"I'm making a new title for Charlie!" Alby announced the evening before Greenie day. All the heads turned to look at him, I was sitting with the Keepers, going over the list with Minho, adding a few things. I looked up curiously, this was news to me. He stood up, and crossed his arms, glaring at each Keeper at the table.

"She is now the Manager of the Glade. She will take a day every two weeks and meet with each keeper and go through their stuff keeping an inventory of stuff, and requests for supplies. She has done a shuck wonderful job keeping it all straight an' organized. And if ya don't like it too bad. Suck it up Princess." Alby said with finality. There was no arguing it, it was already done in his mind. 

"Good that!" Newt nodded in approval. 

"Perfect! Makes my life easier!" Jeff grinned at me. 

"She has done a very detailed job, I agree!" Fry boomed over the table. 

There were a few other nods, But I didn't really work with them. Dug would be a problem, he was a nasty shank, with a dirty mind and filthy mouth, but I could bring someone with me. I smiled, Alby saw value in my skills. would take some time and I could fit in here. Minho saw my potential and made me a runner, Alby saw my hard work and praised me for it, giving me a job title. I felt my cheeks warm up. 

"Snips, after supper can you go through inventory with Winston and Gally? Then we can send the list down after Green bean shows up, and by next supply day it'll be here?" 

My stomach dropped. I felt my cheeks warm up, but I forced a smile. 

"Yeah Alby, I'd be happy to." He nodded and sat back down.

I quickly looked down at my supper. I hadn't spoken with Gally since our big explosion the day I collapsed. I think we both took turns glancing at each other, but for the most part, we existed like the other wasn't there. My stomach would flop every time I caught a glance  at him, or I thought maybe he was looking. 

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