Chapter 9: Tours and Cleavers

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I saw Alby standing by the box, his hands shoved into his pockets. His back was to me and he was slowly turning his head back and forth, like he was watching the hustle and bustle happening around him. On my way out of the kitchen area most of the guys were slutching in, bleary eyed and bead head.

I must have been up really early. I pulled a hand through my mostly dry hair, and stepped up beside Alby.

"Ahh Snips. Glad you could make it. Okay, let's get down to it." Alby nodded to me.

He looked away but whipped his head back and eyed up the hoodie I was wearing, raising an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

To make a point I shivered, and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Does it usually get so cold at night?" I asked sharply.

He lowered his head. An emotional, possibly guilt, flashed over his face, and he kicked the ground once.

"It cools off, ya. But I guess last night was... the worst. And I guess...we've never had a Shanket in the Slammer before."

He sighed and ran a large hand down his face.

"Sorry about last night. I honestly didn't think."

I snorted in dirision. Alby continued like he didn't hear me.

"Gally is...very uptight and loves rules. So if someone steps outta line...he's going to be very vocal about punishment. I'm sorry. It was quite a shock, seeing someone sucker punch him."

He let a smirk appear on his mouth and I couldn't help but lift my lips into a smirk.

"It was a solidly placed punch, wasn't it?" I chuckled.

"Shuck ya it was! beatin' Minho? Shuck Snips!" He chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.

"Don't mess with me."

"Not after last night." He nodded solumly.

He looked me over again.

"But you're feeling better? You gave us quite the scare when Gally brought you to the MedHut. And I've never seen Gal look so worried. He has thrown shanks into the slammer many times, but never rushin' em to the MedJacks for medical attention!"

I didn't detect any hints or insinuations, Alby was just stating facts. It made me pause and think. Maybe I was too hard on him. But he was being a jerk! I don't know. I shook my head, focusing on the task at hand.

Alby had started walking the perimeter of the Glade. Showing me where everything was and what all the different buildings were. He showed me who all the Keepers were, though I worked most of it out already, thanks to Newt last night at the fire. I learned more of each job and the weird names of everything.

"Why didn't you just name them the actual names?"

I finally asked as he mentioned Track Hoes again. I tried really hard to keep a straight face, but failed miserably. I kept giggling. Alby didn't seem to understand why I was laughing.

" named the gardeners or farmers... track HOES. You guys had some dirty dirty minds when you were naming things? You like it dirty, Al? Me? I'm more of a slow burn...take me on a date kinda girl. But I mean if those dirty hoes in the mud, getting on their knees for ya, over there, is your thing... Hey, that's none of my business. We all have our kinks."

Alby's eyes went wide and then face palmed.

"Ya. Now you get it." I patted his shoulder with a chuckle.

"Okay, I'll tell Zart your skipping this work trial. I don't think Zart would want to be alone with you for training anyways."

Alby tried to hide the smirk on his face.

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