Chapter 22: Fine!

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I woke with a groan. My ribs were on fire again. I heard voices and shouts. I opened my eyes, blinking in the bright rising sun.

Why the shuck am I on my back? I blinked again and the faces of boys became clearer. They were all leaning over me, eyebrows furrowed. Some were whispering behind their hands. They were all talking over each other. Minho, Gally and Newt were all crouched beside me.

All of them asking if I was okay, and what happened. I couldn't concentrate on all the voices or questions.

"Slim it!" I yelled as loud as I could. Which made me cough, which turned into a hiss of pain.

The chaos died down. Newt and Gally held out a hand for me to take but I ignored them and slowly propped myself up onto one elbow, the other holding my ribs. I heard Gally breath heavily through his nose and slid a hand under my back anyways and helped me sit up.

"Charlie, Love, what happened?"

I shrugged. Avoiding looking at anyone. No way I was going to say I'm hearing voices and having memories resurface and I could possibly but NOT be in love with a guy I would much rather strangle.

"You need to see the MedJacks." Gally's voice cut through my thoughts.

I shook my head, "no."

"Excuse me? You just collapsed in the middle of breakfast." Gally growled.

"I'm fine."

"No! You're not!"

"I'm fine. Back off." I snapped again.

I didn't need to see Jeff. I was fine. Why I collapsed? Not entirely sure, but a lot happened at once and it was just my blood pressure that dropped too fast. It dropped No. I'm not. I am not in love with him. I'd rather swing a fist at the slint head. He makes me more angry than giddy.

Minho and Newt shook their heads. Gally looked ticked off. With a huge effort, I pushed myself up onto my knees. I bit my lip to keep from gasping. And then unsteadily got to my feet.

My legs still felt wobbly, and I stumbled a bit, Gally threw an arm out to catch me but I pushed it away and walked away, pushing through the crowed of gawking boys.

"You need to see Jeff!" He insisted, following me.

"And I insistedly said no."

Why was he being so pushy? Why now of all times and places. If I collapse in front of everyone who thinks I'm already weak then that adds fuil to the fire. And what's Jeff going to say? Don't have any more memories or talk to the voice in your head. I snorted. Great, I'm just the lone girl with the disembodied voice whispering in her head. Though that might scare some guys off...

"Where are you going?" He huffed, flowing after me


"You need to eat!" He insisted.

I stopped and spun towards him. My face now pink. I hated how he constantly forced food on me, how he took it upon himself to make sure I was eating. What was he a mother hen? I don't see him forcing lunch in the other guys.

"I'm not a child. I'll eat when I'm hungry." I snapped.

"What's your shucken problem today?" I could see the anger rising in his face now.

"A lot of things are wrong today!"

"Clearly!" He threw his hands into the air, "now you either go see Jeff or eat."

"I'm not a shucken child! I don't need you babysitting me! I can make big girl choises!"

"You just passed out! I doubt you can make a proper decision right now! Maybe it's 'cause your -"

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