Chapter 51: Run like Your Life Dependeds on it.

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The trio ran. Taking corner after corner, left, right, right, down a long straight, left again. The grinding was getting louder.

"The..maze ... it's changing!" Thomas huffed out from behind.

I nodded.

I have an idea!

That doesn't sound good.

Hey! That was rude.

Just saying...fine. what idea?

Moving walls-

Say no more!

"Min...go to the left...through.. section...7!" I gasped.

"'s... changing!"

"Yeah." I wheezed. ""

He shrugged. At the next interesction he took a left without hesitation. We had ran enough times together, gone through too much klunk for him not to trust me. Up ahead, at the next coridor intersection a wall was slowly moving, slowly moving, like the doors.

"Start through!" I tried to yell, but it was more of a rasp.

Minho put in a burst of speed, and sprinted through. I however slowed down. Thomas doing the same. It's like we could read each other's minds, (ha! Good one!) And we looked over our shoulders, the lead Griever was coming down the hall, it's long deadly legs propelling it down the hall at an alarming rate.

I looked at Thomas who nodded grimly.



We stopped at the changing wall.

"COME ON!" Thomas yelled at it, egging it on.

Minho made it through to the other side of the wall, and turned.

"What the shuck?! Come on! Thomas! Charlie! Let's go!" He screamed at us, I heard the panic.

The Griever was closer.

"Come on! You hunk of junk!" I yelled.

It was now only a few yards away.


We spun around, with the Griever feet from us, and ran. We had to run single file now, the wall was squishing us. The Griever hot on my heels.

"Let's go! Faster! Move!" Minho was shouting.

Thomas pushed his way free. I had to really squeeze. The wall slammed shut just as I pushed free, with a loud scream of pain. The Griever was slammed between the wall, squishing it like a spider. But the front leg had lashed out. Slicing me across the side.

I collapsed to the floor, both hands holding the long gash. My hands were already covered in warm sticky blood. Both boys dropped down beside me.

"Shuck it Tiger! Why?"


"It... got ride" I groaned.

It was a burning hot pain. My heart was beating so fast that the blood seemed to ooze out quicker.

"We need to stop the bleeding." Thomas muttered.

"Runners always have medical supplies. Good thing I still have my backpack!" Minho said shrugging off his pack.

"Where's yours?" Thomas asked me as he helped me sit up and kean against the wall.

"Section four. Used it to kill a Griever."

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