Chapter 60: Alby's awake

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Gally Chuck and I meet up with Thomas, Minho and Newt outside the MedHut. Gally frowned, looking around.

"Where'd that Girl Greenie go?" He frowned.

"Newt sent her to the slammer for now, she pretty much confessed to jacking up the Glade." I said with a shrug, "Min was right happy to do it."

Newt nodded, and Gally frowned deeper, looking at me confused. I rolled my eyes and tapped my temple.

"Oh...yeah, your weird brain link thing..."

"Yeah. Tommy and I have weird brains, can we go see Alby now?"

"Yeah. Apparently he was bloody screamin' for you two, Tommy and Charlie."

My apprehension grew. Of course it was Thomas and I. First Ben and then this Teresa girl. Why was it always Tommy and I? Newt opened the door and lead the group inside. Alby was sitting up facing the wall. Jeff was just setting a glass of water down on the bedside table. Alby looked better, the black swollen veins were better. He had come out of The Changing faster then anyone.

Newt went to go sit down on the bed beside him.

"Alby? How ya doin'?" He asked gently, placing his hand on his friend's back.

Alby slowly turned to face them, and his words came out in a wheeze, as if every one of them would take a week off his life.

"Everything's ... gonna change.... The new girl ...Thomas ... Charlie...I saw them ..."

I felt my blood run cold. I'm positive my face went about four shades whiter. My heart also jumped into my throat. I caught Thomas's eye and he looked about the same.

I looked back at Alby, hus eyelids flickered closed, then open again; he stared blankly at the wall, his whole body sagging in complete exhaustion. My heart broke. I knew how he felt. It took me almost three days to be able to sit up and move around.

"What do you mean, you saw-" Newt began.

"I wanted Thomas and Charlie!" Alby yelled,

The sudden burst of energy made me step back, I wouldn't have thought possible a few seconds earlier, his body was so sagged.

"I didn't ask for you, Newt or anyone else. I asked for freaking Thomas and Snips!"

Newt looked up, questioned Thomas and me with a raising of his eyebrow.

I shrugged and Thomas looked like he was ready to faint.

"Alby?" Newt asked, his face full of sadness and hurt.

Alby groaned and put his head in his hands

"We can't." He muttered.

"We can't what Alby?" I finally managed to squeak.

He lifted his head, and I was shocked to see tears running down his face, his blood shot eyes locked onto me. I saw fear in his broken bloodshot eyes.

"We can't leave. They won't let won't let us leave!"

"What are you talking about?" I whispered.

I was absolutely terrified now, my hands felt numb. Ben had said I was bad...but I don't remember anything! How could I not let them leave? I'm one of the only ones trying to find a way out!

"I remember." Alby whispered.

"What do you remember?" Thomas encouraged.

There was a tense moment of silence. I felt the guys eyes flicking between Alby, Thomas and me.

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