Chapter 15: You Didn't Believe Me

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Gally marched over to the girl. She was swing the ax, bring it down with a grunt. He was quite impressed with her strength. He could see the sweat running down her face. She went to swing the ax again, but Gally caught it by the handle, preventing her from swinging it forward. She stumbled with a yell.

Gally watched as she swung around with a snarl. She froze when she saw Gally. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Seems like I'm always making you eat, Pipsqueak." He shoved the plate and water bottle into her hands.

She growled at him. But sank down to the ground, chugging the water. Gally watched her for a moment and dropped the ax beside her.

"You're getting through this faster then I expected." He nodded towards the pile of split logs.

He saw her give him a look, swallowing the bite of apple before speaking.

"Well you idiots have been using a dull ax for who knows how long. Spend an hour sharpening it and then you'd be done faster. Work smarter not harder Gally." She rolled her eyes.

He couldn't help it, he smirked. Again he was impressed with her.

"Is there anything else I can help you with Captain Gally?" She snarked.

He didn't realize he had been staring at her. He ran a hand through his hair.

"No. Eat and finish the wood. If you finish before the end of the day help the guys at the MedHut."

He spun away and stomped away, he had to get away from her. His heart had sped up, and he felt dizzy again, he just wanted to stand and watch her. She had a flush to her face, and she pulled her hair up and away from her face, but her flyaways that came loose had turned into tight curls in the heat. She had also stripped off her long sleeved shirt, showing off her toned arms.

He shook his head, what was the girl doing to him? She was making him feel things he didn't have a name for or answer too. To hide from these weird feelings he tried to push her away, but the more they argued or had face offs the more he wanted. The more he wanted to provoke her into tifs. He liked the way her face flushed and her crystal blue eyes lit up like electricity...she was fantastic.

He stormed away, he needed to cool off and clear his head. He couldn't let that spitfire of a girl distract him.



It was weird, Gally flip flopping between moods, I understood why he was struggling, but did that give him an excuse to act the way he did? He was shy, and kind last night, and today he looked ready to strangle her. Their face off this morning was weird. I could feel another layer of tension between us. I definitely felt my heart speed up when he had taken a step closer. But was that my fight or flight response or because he stepped into my personal space and...I liked it? And wanted him to step closer ... He made me want to punch him but also stare into his eyes. The shuck is wrong with me?

I stood up with a growl and grabbed the ax. Gally had the right idea, physical work was a good stress relaver. The rythmic timing of swinging the ax, the physical exertion helped clear my mind. Or at least clear it of that darn ox of a boy with beautiful steel blue eyes.

It didn't take me much longer to finish the wood pile. With one last grunt and thump of the ax I finished the last piece of wood. With a satisfied smile I put the ax and stone back in the tool shed. Picking up the plate from lunch and my water I dropped it off and made my way over to the MedHut. Where I met a kid named Lee, who seemed to be incharge of the area.

He told me I was to pass up the planks to the guys on the roof. The guys around me all froze when I moved among them; freezing and watching my every move. It was uncomfortable. I hated it. Grinding my teeth I shoved everything I felt deep down, trying to ignire it all.

ComplicatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora