Chapter 28: What a Morning

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I woke up with a moan. My head was pounding so bad I didn't want to move. I lay curled in the warm bed. My stomach was twisting, threating to throw up. I heard movement and I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head, trying to hid from the noise.

"I told you, you would be sick!" A deep voice chuckled.

The shuck? Since when is Newt's voice so deep? He getting sick?

"Here. I brought you some water and something for that headache."

I heard heavy footsteps. They were even and heavy. Those weren't Newt's uneven ones. I scrunched my forehead, my eyes still clamped shut.

"What the shuck?" I whispered.


My exhausted sore and dry eyes snapped open. Gally? Bits and pieces of last night came back, like a hard punch in the gut. I slowly lowered the blanket, blinking hard. The light from the open window was brutal. I groaned and threw the blanket back over my head.

I heard a deep rumble of a chuckle. It made my stomach back flip. The bed dipped and the blanket was pulled down. Gally's amused face appeared, hovering over mine.

I blinked a few more times, and then rubbed the sleep out of them. I squinted against the light, looking back at Gally.

"Come on Pipsqueak, time to sit up. Drink some water and take the meds."

"No." I protested, trying to curl back up.

Gally grinned. slowly leaning back against the wall.

"Your looking pretty rough." He chuckled. His eyes sweeping over me.

"Thank you for that. That's what ever girl wants to hear." I grumbled.

He laughed even more.

"You're the one who kept winning... didn't have to keep drinking, you coulda lost."

"You started it!" Glaring at him.

"I also finished it. If it was up to you, you would still be out there!"

"I had a point to prove!"

"Which was?" he cocked an eyebrow at me, a crooked smirk on his face.

"I can hold my own with you shuck faces."

He hummed, and pushed his hair out of his face. I watched, and again it made my stomach flip, the early morning sun was shinning on his face reflecting off his golden blond hair and his tan. He looked like a greek god. I lay my head on my bent arm, just watching him. He caught me watching and his lip lifted into a smile.

"I like your hair longer."

"Is that so?"

I hummed.

"Those drinks sure make you honest."

My face paled. I felt my already twisting stomach drop. I remember some of it, pretty sure I said something about liking him..and lots of wolf whistling. I remember saying I didn't want to be alone because I saw scared of the dark. He was watching me, his eyes searching my face.

What else did I say?

"Do you remember any of it?" he almost sounded...sad or disappointed.

"Most of it." I squeaked, now feeling embraced.

"Well..what about your heart feeling twitterpated, I think was the word you used." He grinned at.

"The shuck? I said that?" I groaned and threw the blanket over my face. "I'm never drinking again."

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