Chapter 25: A Hard Lesson

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I made it back to my room, but unfortunately Newt was here. I wanted nothing more than to melt into my bed and squeal or cry or scream into my pillow. I kissed him. Well, he actually kissed me, but I kissed him back.


I still had the urge to wrap my hands around his thick muscular neck. He still made me angry and frustrated, but...damn!

I'm still out of breath and my heart was still all...twitterpated!

I closed the door and leaned on it for a second, my eyes closed, holding the binder of Keeper's lists tight to my chest. Newt looked up from what he was doing and raised an eyebrow. I ignored him and flopped onto my bed, opening the binder, to triple check the lists so I could hand it to Alby tomorrow morning.

The bedroom door flew open and Fred came bounding inside.

"CHARLIE!" He screamed.

Both Newt and I jumped. In one giant leap he was bouncing on my bed, the biggest grin I had ever seen on anyone.

"The bloody hell is your problem?" Newt asked, picking up his notebook from the ground after dropping it in surprise.

"I saw Charlie...doing somethin' a few minutes ago!" He sang, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

My face instantly flared up, and I could feel the panic. Oh Shuck! I didn't even think if other guys saw us! But maybe they would back off? Or give them more confidence to try, because they saw one guy do it?

"Oh? Do tell!" Newt wiggled his eyebrows and grinned at me with such a smug look I clenched my fist ready to smack it off him.

He got up from his bed and plunked down on my bed too.

"I have work to do!"

"Oh I'm sure you do! You seemed awfully distracted before." Fred grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Fred. You better tell me right now!" Newt demanded.

"Fred. You better not!" I warned.


He yelped as I lunged for him, he jumped off the bed, and danced out of reach.

"I knew it, I told ya, Love. One of the three!"

"She came storming out of the tool shed slammed her stuff down all dramatic, Gally sauntered over and leaned on the table right beside her. They had some kind of argument, getting more heated, but getting closer and closer, and then BAM-" he slapped his heads together, "-They were wrapped around each other."

"Two of the three!" Newt chuckled.

I had placed my face into my hands and groaned. I was so angry and embarrassed, but also my stomach flipped and had that butterfly feeling when I thought about his lips on mine and his arms around me. How could I actually like him, when he shows his angry aggressive side more than his kind gentle side?

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Charlie, what's wrong Love?" Newt had lost his teasing, and was frowning.

I sniffed and looked up, angry that my body would betray me now, and another tear slid out. I angrily wiped it away.

"I don't know." I finally said.

Newt waited, Fred sat down, all his goofiness gone.

"It's confusing and complicated!"

"Your making it more complicated." Fred shrugged.

"Except I'm not!" I cried. "How can I like a guy who is more angry and aggressive, who makes me want to strangle him. I've been here a month and we have only had a few conversations where we didn't end up yelling at each other!"

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