Chapter 18: Equality

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The rest of breakfast was terrible. Newt and Alby kept pestering me for details of who said what. I was done with this conversation. When Minho glanced at his watch and stood up, I got up with him. We slowly walked over to the doors.

"Have you thought about my offer?"

"I have. A lot. I'll give you an answer at supper. Good that?" I said, watching the ground.

"Ya know if you suck at it I can always fire you...I know you enjoy the kitchen with Fry and Vinny. They're good guys."

"Thank you Min. Your a good guy."

He raised an eyebrow, "You got some emotions behind that right hook!"

"Sorry, I tripped and fell into some feelings, I'll go wash it off." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. We had made it to the doors, where a blond kid was waiting. He was tall and skinny, he had watery blue eyes, but a kind smile.

"Charlie, this is Ben. Ben officially meet Charlie. Or Tiger." Minho swept an arm out towards me.

Ben held out a hand, and smiled.

"Nice to officially meet you. A little late, but welcome to the Glade."

I shook his hand and nodded. I let go and shoved my hands into my back pockets. I felt the familiar rumble of the walls, as the doors slid open.

"Well. Run Fast. Run Safe." I gave him a tight lipped smile

Minho grinned and held a hand up for a high five, which I slapped. Ben held a hand up hoping for one, I hesitated, but slapped his hand as well. He had been polite.

"See you at supper Min. Ben." I nodded.

"Don't pull your punches Tiger. Be safe."

He nodded and together the boys turned and jogged into the maze. I watched them go further and further into the gloom. What would it be like to run those maze halls? Be lone away from the comments and eyes, away from the uncomfortable crowds. It sounded amazing. But the words from breakfast slithered into my mind, 'you don't know what your joking about, talking about Grievers.' But what did Gally know? He was stung, but he wasn't a did he end up getting stung? No one ever said they came into the Glade. I furrowed my eyebrows. Something didn't add up. I was standing and staring into the hall when a hand grabbed my shoulder.

I shrieked, and spun around, a fist going into the kids stomach. He crumpled to the ground in a groan and moan.

"Oh shuck! Fred! Oh Shuck!" I yelped, I dropped to my knees, "I'm so sorry! Fred! Are you okay?"

He lay on his back, holding his stomach, trying to get his breath back. He held up a finger, to indicate he needed a second. I sat back on my heels waiting for him to prop himself up on his elbows.

"Note to self. Do NOT walk up behind you! Shuck it woman!"

He rubbed his stomach. I gave him a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry Fred!"

"You better hope Gally didn't see that!"

He gave me a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Though after you steamrolled him at breakfast, I think he's gonna lay low for a bit." He chuckled.

I stood up and held out a hand, hulling him up.

"I was supposed to come get you and bring you to Jeff."


I sat on the bed in the MedHut, Clint was standing outside the door, making sure no one would walk in, while Jeff checked my ribs.

"How are they feeling?" He asked as he poked around a bit.

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