I am Lucy

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The black wolf also had a smile plastered on his face.

Luffy, happy to see his child jumped in the soft fur while laughing.

"I am so happy to see you!"

The wolf nodded...

"But what happened to this place?"

It has been many months since Luffy hasn't seen Amato. Before this place was black and the only thing he could see was Amato who was surrounded by glowing light. 

This time Luffy was in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers 

 In the vast meadow, a black wolf lies on the grass, its black fur glistening under the gentle breeze. A sea of delicate daisies envelops its golden gaze, their pure white petals contrasting against the wolf's dark fur. The daisies serve as a protective shield, creating a safe haven for new beginnings to take root and grow.

His child will be the most ethereal being in the world, he is sure of it.

Luffy carefully went through the daisies and approached his child. 

Amato welcomed his father with a smile. He scooched over so Luffy could sit with him. 

"Amato you have grown a lot!"

"Chopper said you will be coming into the real world soon."

"I am so excited to introduce to everyone."

Luffy kept rubbing about how he would show off his lovely son to the son.

And Amato listens to his father with a smile...

He also wanted to talk, but he couldn't...

Luffy although seems to understand what Amato is trying to say.

"They are definitely going to like you!!

"I know you are going to be as smart as Torao."

Luffy had a wide grin on his face...

When Zoro entered the room to check up on Luffy, he noticed that his sleeping captain had a smile and was mumbling something...

Zoro then went to the watch tower to look out.

The next morning Luffy was in an extremely good mood. He is usually in a good mood, but since that morning he has been laughing and smiling a lot.

So the atmosphere on Sunny has been joyful. When their captain is happy, they are also happy.

"I met Amato last night!"

"Ah, so you dreamed of him again..."

Robin was drinking coffee and hearing her Captain

Usopp who was adjusting his tools was also listening to the conversation.

"Right, it has been months since you dreamt of him!"

"Mhm... this time I met him in a beautiful meadow. He was surrounded by daisies."

"In the language of flower, daisies symbolize childbirth, motherhood, and new beginnings"

"I see"

"That must mean that Amato's birth is nearing."

"Well, 3 months only remains."

"I can't wait to introduce him to you."

"Well everyone is happy to meet our captain's baby!"

"The food is done"

Luffy jumped up and burst into the kitchen.

He has been starving. 

Sanji yells at Luffy to settle down and have some manners. 

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