Oh, it's Tor-

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Zoro's POV:

What the heck Luffy, why did the dumbass fall on Law. If he has some kind of illness he should take care of himself better. 

"Luffy, come fast!" I yelled. 

Why is his face red? Maybe he is sick... 

Finally, Luffy arrived. I signaled him to follow me. It's better to talk in a private place. Robin and Brook also followed me.

Nobody's POV:

"Neh, Zoro what do you wanna talk about?" 

When they reached an empty hut, Zoro looked straight into Luffy's eyes. Luffy didn't even flinch but straightened himself knowing that Zoro was going to talk about something important.

 "Luffy-san are you sick?" asked Brook. 

"What no, why would you think that? I am perfectly healthy, " replied Luffy fully confused at why his friends would think like that.

"Captain, then why are Chopper and Law-kun treating you like that?" asked Robin. 

"Oh! That's because I am pregnant!" said Luffy excitedly. 

Silence filled in the small hut.

"Captain, are you pregnant?" said Robin, trying to process the information.

"Luffy, are you lying or something, how is it even possible?" asked Zoro. 

"Captain-San I have lived for over 90 years and I have never heard of males getting pregnant," said Brook with his iconic laugh.

 "I am pregnant, there is a baby inside of my belly." 

"Oh wait a minute I was supposed to keep it a secret," said Luffy with a pale face, knowing well that his lover was going to get angry at him. They decided to tell both of the crews together after the raid. But Law likes Luffy so much, that he can't stay angry for more than 2 minutes. 

"Ok, I believe that Captain-san is pregnant, but who is the other parent? If my guess is correct it should be male," said Robin with a weird smile. 

Robin was curious about what kind of person could be to make their adventure-loving Captain fall in love. 

Zoro doesn't know what to do. He knows that his captain is weird and logic doesn't work with him, but now he is also pregnant and the other parent should also be a male. 

Until now Zoro thought that his captain wasn't capable of liking someone romantically. "

Luffy-san you aren't as innocent as I thought." 

Most of the crew thought that their captain didn't even know about the lovemaking process, but would think that he even got pregnant. 

"For how long have you been dating the father and how many months have been of your pregnancy?" asked Zoro, ignoring Brook's remark. 

"For 2 years and I am 2 months pregnant. You can even see that my belly got bigger, look!" said Luffy showing his belly. 

Luffy's belly has gotten rounder and bigger, but you can still see his muscles. Robin got closer to Luffy and touched his belly. 

"It looks cute," said Robin. 

Zoro's sweat dropped. 

Wait did he say he has been in a relationship for 2 years and nobody knew, thought Zoro. 

"Who is your partner?" asked Zoro. 

Who could that man be?

"Yeah, Captain-san do we also know him?" asked Brook. 

"Oh, it Ta-" 

Before Luffy could tell them, Nami came in telling them that dinner was ready. Luffy didn't even finish his sentence and went flying to the food, leaving his three Nakamas disappointed. Zoro glared at Nami, who didn't even know what was going on...

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