It's Positive

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No one POV: 

When Luffy said Code MPG  to his Grandpa, Sanji, Brook, and Coby were visibly confused and they never thought Luffy could be so secretive. The only question they had in mind was the meaning of this code. Before anyone could say anything they heard Garp shout really loudly

 "What do you mean?"

anger and concern could be heard

Luffy's POV:

"I think it's code MPG, what should I do?"

 on the other side, I heard Grandpa yell angrily 

" You think? Who was it, I will kill him and feed him to the dogs! Luffy tell me who was it?"

 I got angry and couldn't keep my calm and shouted back at him 

" It's not his fault and I said I think! Can you just bring it so I can confirm? "

That old man responded  

" UGH! Fine but when I find out if it is what it is then I will kill that person who did it. I am coming, to the north side where Coby ship is an Island. It's an inhabitant island. We can meet there."


I said and hung up. I looked around and saw my Nakama faces. They were totally confused about what was happening. I just gave them my signature smile and thanked Coby. I wrapped Sanji and Brook with my hand and jumped out of the ship on the submarine. After we went back I told them to go north to an Island to meet Grandpa.

No one Pov: 

The Scardey crew were terrified hearing they were meeting Garp, before heading to Wano. Brook asked their captain the reason behind it.

 Luffy just responded with a smile. Sanji then asked what that Code meant and why Garp got so angry hearing about it. Luffy didn't say anything for some time, then he said 

"I hate keeping secrets but I promised Grandpa I won't tell anyone about it. I really want to you guys about it but I can't."

 He then smiled at them and said that he would ask Garp permission if he could tell it to you guys. Some Straw hats still had questions but kept quiet. After some time they arrived on an Island. 

There was a forest, with long trees and no trace of humans. After some time a Navy ship could be seen. All the Straw Hats stayed on guard seeing the navy ship getting closer. The ship came to the coast and pulled down the anchor near sunny. Then Garp jumped and came to Luffy running before Luffy could dodge he got hit. 

"Do you know the reverie is about to start in some hours? I have to accompany some royals!"

Luffy's POV: 

"Why did you hit me?"

I shouted at him. It's not my problem what the Navy does. 

Garp sighed loudly

"What am I gonna do with you little brat always making trouble for me." 

" I can do whatever I want to do, I am not a kid anymore",

Luffy said back to him. 

"Now did you bring it?"

 I asked him

"Of course, I did"

 he gave me a bag with something inside it. I took it and told my crew to stay where they were and went to ship in the bathroom. After 5 minutes I waited and waited finally! When I looked at it I screamed in shock. 

It was positive. 

I was happy and excited. I get to have a baby with Toroa. I have to tell him immediately. Excited by the good news, I happily ran outside to tell my grandpa.

No one's POV:

Outside of the ship, the scardy trio was together hugging each other and Sanji was leaning on a tree while smoking. Garp was looking at Sunny with a worried expression. Suddenly they heard a scream coming from the ship. Everybody stood up on guard and Garp had a frown on his face, 

he hoped it wasn't true. 

Luffy jumped down from the ship and hugged Garp which shocked Garp. Luffy had tears in his and he was laughing happily. All the crew members were looking at him wondering what was happening. Luffy then sprang down from Garp and said still tears in his eyes 

"It's positive, I am P-"

Garp punched him on his head and then with fire in his eyes he knuckled his fists ready to kill someone.

 Nami came to Luffy asking for an explanation. Luffy looked at Garp asking him if he could tell them about it and Garp thought and nodded. Luffy sprang happily and hugged him. Luffy then told them to start preparing to set sail. They did as they were told.

 Now Luffy was alone with Garp. Garp then asked him, who it was. Luffy just looked at him and said with a wide smile

"someone I really love, he is my soulmate and I want to be with him for the rest of my life!"

Garp worry diminished and was pleased that his grandson was happy but he told him to give the "love of his life" a warning that when he found him he was going to be beaten to death.

 On the other side, Law felt warm in his heart and then sudden shivers in his spine. Luffy grinned and said his goodbyes and told him he was going to Wano. Before Garp could say anything Luffy jumped on his ship and they set sail. 

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