Where are we!?

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The Straw Hat pirates sail through the river...

As the gentle breeze whispers through the lush greenery, a clear and beautiful river unfolds before their eyes. The water sparkles like a thousand diamonds, reflecting the golden rays of the sun. Its surface is smooth and serene, mirroring the surrounding landscape with remarkable clarity.

The river meanders gracefully through the picturesque countryside, its path curving and winding as if dancing to an invisible melody. Tall, majestic trees line its banks, their branches reaching out to touch the water's edge. Their leaves rustle softly in the wind, creating a soothing symphony that accompanies the journey.

The river's current flows gently, carrying the Thousand Sunny along its course with a gentle embrace. The water is crystal clear, allowing glimpses into the vibrant underwater world beneath. Shoals of fish dart playfully, their scales shimmering in hues of silver and gold. Delicate water lilies bloom on the surface, adding splashes of color to the scene.

Birds of all kinds grace the river's surroundings, their melodious songs filling the air. Graceful swans glide effortlessly across the water, their elegant white feathers contrasting against the deep blue backdrop. Ducks paddle leisurely in small groups, quacking softly as they explore their watery domain.

The riverbanks are adorned with an abundance of wildflowers, painting a vibrant tapestry of colors. Butterflies flit from blossom to blossom, adding an ethereal touch to this natural masterpiece. The scent of blooming flowers fills the air, intoxicating the pirates who sail through this enchanting realm.

As they navigate further along the river, they encounter small cascades and waterfalls that break the tranquility with their playful rush. The sound of rushing water mingles harmoniously with nature's symphony, creating a symphony of serenity and energy.

The sunlight filters through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the water's surface. The interplay of light and shadow creates a mesmerizing spectacle as if nature itself is painting a masterpiece for all to behold.

The river's banks occasionally give way to small sandy beaches, inviting the crew to pause and immerse themselves in the beauty that surrounds them. The cool touch of the water against their skin is refreshing, rejuvenating their spirits and connecting them to the primal essence of life.

As they sailed a bit further away from the waterfall a sight behold them...

At the end of a meandering river, where the waters gently kiss the shore, stands an altar bathed in golden hues. This sacred place, adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments, exudes an ethereal beauty that captivates all who behold it.

The altar rises majestically from the earth, its foundation rooted deep within the fertile soil. Its structure, crafted from shimmering marble, glistens under the sun's warm embrace. The steps leading up to the altar are adorned with delicate flowers, their vibrant colors mirroring the brilliance of the celestial body that this sanctuary honors.

As the crew approaches this divine shrine, a sense of tranquility envelops the senses. The air is filled with a gentle breeze carrying whispers of ancient prayers and offerings.

Upon reaching the summit of the altar, they are greeted by an empty throne and a strange feeling as if the throne was waiting for them. It evokes many emotions from the depths of their hearts.

It speaks of a god who has chosen to depart,

Leaving behind a void in the depths of every heart.

Surrounding the throne are offerings left by someone seeking favor from someone. Baskets overflowing with ripe fruits and fragrant flowers are arranged in harmonious patterns around the base of the altar. Candles flicker softly, casting dancing shadows upon the sacred space, while incense wafts through the air, carrying prayers to the heavens above.

The crew felt as if something was pulling them by strings while climbed up the Altar. Luffy was the first one to break the silence by sitting on the throne.

"What are you doing you idiot?"

Nami was ready to punch Luffy.

"I just felt like I should sit here, I don't how to explain it. It feels like it belongs to me."


Robin began tracing the craved writing on the walls in deep thought.

"From what I found out this throne is for the sun god Nika."

"Did you find out where this is?"

"Oi Marimo talk with respect to Robin-san."

Before they could launch at each other's throats Nami punched them in their heads.

"I don't know, it written welcome to the island of happiness and freedom."

"Where are we?!"

"We are on a..............."

Author's note: who can guess who spoke and what they are going to say? Just a little quiz. If you get one of them correct you can ask me to write something you would to read. "No smut I am not good at that."

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