The heart pirates

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In the deep sea, a light was emitting from a submarine with the symbol of heart pirates. The crewmember heard a voice in the dark sea. Which is absurd. Just as deep and dark as the sea is, it is as quiet too. 

They came to the location where they heard a faint voice. The crew swam around, to find what being could be able to call them for help. finding nothing they thought that they imagined it. But then they heard a baby cry. Suddenly a human appeared in front of the submarine. 

One of them recognized him, it was straw hat Luffy! All of them screamed out of shock. Shouldn't he be on Onigashmi fighting Kaido? Ikkaku recovered quickly and made the other snap out of it. They then put Luffy on their deck safely. Then they surfaced near land. 

Luffy's POV:

Agh, I am still here, but I feel that the temperature changed. I guess someone saved me. I walked to Amato Wolf or something. The golden light around it was glowing much more brightly. 


It looked like it smiled. I feel like that light is me, but also not me. Weird! I hugged Amato. Ahh... his fur is so soft. I wonder what Taroa is doing? I want him to meet Amato. 

But the wolf became bigger than before. His black fur also feels much more comfortable. 

The light around Amato became brighter. 

"I am you so I will protect it"

and I coughed out water. I couldn't move. I saw one of Torao's crew. I guess they saved me. But I can't move at all. I am also hungry.

"Food, MEAT!"

I heard them mumbling about where they could get enough food for my stomach. 

I don't care, I am starving, and Amato too. 

Hmm... food, meat! It smells delicious.

I stretched my arms grabbed all the food and devoured it.

Nobody's POV:

Almost everything disappeared in an instant, leaving only toast and bread. How is that humanly possible? Everything about Luffy is a mystery. The water was out of Luffy's system, but his stomach was still bloated. Penguin wanted to press his stomach so the remaining water could get out. Before he could touch Luffy's stomach. Luffy instinctively pushed Penguin away.

"What do you think you are doing?" Luffy yelled. Luffy is rarely angry, so the others are stunned.

"Your stomach is bloated and I thought I could get the water out. Sheesh! You don't have to react that strongly."

"Oh sorry, I guess Taroa didn't tell you about it. The thing is that I am pregnant."


Monkey D. Luffy is pregnant. The crew didn't know how to react. So a male somehow got pregnant and who is the other partner? Wait, Luffy has a partner and their captain also has a partner.  Bepo said he could smell a pregnant person from their captain when he came back with a hickey. So they thought that the person their captain was with was a pregnant WOMAN! But in fact, it was a MAN

On top of it all it was Monkey D. Luffy, a pirate of the worst generation. 

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