Chapter 76 - Theories

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, Em." Edward told Emmett before he looked down at me. "Breathe, Aiyanna."

As if Bella's presence had taken my breath away, I found myself exhaling deeply. Once calm, I looked at the other Cullens.

"Changing Bella or any other human goes against the treaty." I reminded them. "I don't think I'll have enough authority to prevent the pack from trying to go after you if you ever trespass it. I, myself, won't allow any transgressions."

"I can't wait to see them try." Emmett answered, smirking.

"I already warned you Emmett." I said in between my teeth, glaring at him.

I was well aware that Emmett was eager to fight with literally anyone. No matter how I trusted the boys not to quiver in front of him, I doubted any of them would come out unharmed in a fight with him.

"I'm counting on you to do me the honor of being your first opponent during training." Emmett told me, to which I rolled my eyes.

"Should we take rounds around Bella's house ? Just to reassure her ?" Esme suggested.

"Maybe we should." Alice accepted.

Rosalie sighed, clearly not overjoyed by the situation. "Great, more babysitting."

You did tell them that I was not to be watched over now, right ? - I asked Edward, privately.

Edward looked at me defeated, clearly not happy with it, and nodded.

Thank you.

"I think it's time for me to go home. My mom is probably worried." I said out loud.

"I will drive." Edward answered.

Although I didn't want him to bother driving me home only for him to come back here, I found myself accepting his proposition when I remembered that Bella was still upstairs. If I could keep them apart as much as I could...

I said goodbye to the Cullens, taking Jasper's phone number on the way to settle our training, and Emmett's who insisted on having my contacts again, before I sat on the passenger seat of my car.

I let out a sigh while leaning my head against the headrest. I suddenly felt exhausted. That was a long afternoon. I wasn't going to do much studying today. I didn't even think I had the courage to open a book.

"Are you okay ?" Edward asked. 

"There really is a difference when Jasper's there and when he's not. The last bits of this meeting took all of my energy."

Edward scoffed. "You're quite a handful. He caught you slipping several times."


Edward turned on the ignition and drove off. I let myself close my eyes during the ride that lasted half the time it took me to drive to the Cullen's residence.

"Do you want me to come up now, or should I wait until you're ready to sleep ?" Edward asked me.

Taken aback, I opened my eyes and looked at him. "You're not going back home ?"

"I don't have any more reasons to stay there."

I nodded slowly. "I'll open the window when I'm ready."

"I will wait as long as it takes." Edward answered with a grin.


I passed the exams. I was officially free from high school. I had to admit, I almost cried when I got the news that I was graduating like everyone else. I never would have imagined senior year to be this difficult. Maybe if I hadn't changed into a huge wolf that required lots of energy and time, and if everything that followed after didn't happen, then this last year would've taken it easy on me.

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