25. the only future

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"So you're moving back to Namyangju-si?" Jungwon hums as he watches carefully how Heeseung packs up his things both aggressively yet organised.

He nods and looks around his room before tossing a few more folded hoodies and pair of baggy jeans into a box that was nearly overflowing with clothes but somehow the older male seemed to make it work.

Jungwon leans back against one of Heeseung's painted walls and admires his room – more specifically his guitar and set up inside a closet he had never seen before. "Should I help you pack?"

Heeseung smiles warmly at the dark-haired boy and shrugs. "The help would be nice and I don't think staring at me is much more fun." He jokes and Jungwon approaches Heeseung's guitar to get a better look of it. "You play guitar?"

"Yup," He simply states, "you can put it in that case but I think ill pack up the rest of my equipment unless you've used this stuff then maybe youd know how to properly pack them away."

Jungwon shakes his head, "I wish." And sets aside the musical instrument for a picture frame sitting on his nightstand.

"Do you think you'll ever come back here?" He looks up at Heeseung and refrains from touching anything else until he answers. They just got to know each other and now he's leaving just because some lowlifes couldn't mind their own business?

"Nah, I don't think so." Heeseung chuckles. "They'll probably send me t some therapy camp with—oh sorry I forgot your parents were—"

Jungwon chuckles and shakes his head, "no, no its okay I get you and I would be pissed too." Heeseung smiles and nods, the younger male returning to the desk.

He picks that same picture frame, this time inspecting it closely. He sees Heeseung dressed up nicely in a suit and a girl that seems all too familiar clad in a matching dress hooked at Heeseung side and it seems her heels made her just that bit taller than Heeseung – they looked good together he thought.

Unsure of whether to pack it or not, he turns to Heeseung. "Who's that girl in the photo?" Jungwon points at the person in the picture frame, and he can see Heeseung's smile wither.

"Its Jiyoon... my ex-girlfriend, r-remember?" His voice shakes as it seems their breakup is still a touchy topic but more than that it was why they broke up – because someone outed him.

"So, I shouldn't pack it right?" Jungwon winces and Heeseung shakes his head.

"Well, she broke up with me when I was outed – remember Kiyun her brother?" he knows him very well and the idea made him feel both guilt and anger at the same time.

"I don't know if I want t get rid of it because I still love her – more than anything." Tears well up in his eyes as he approaches Jungwon to admire the picture, "but maybe its best if I just get rid of it – we can never be together anymore so what's the point." He shrugs and tosses the picture into a box that seems to carry things he wants to get rid of.

"But aren't you gay?" Jungwon squints, "I'm a bit new to this but how can you love her and still have feelings for another boy?"

Heeseung laughs at Jungwons naiveite and shakes his head. "I don't think I'm fully gay if that makes sense – I like both genders and the guy that tried to out me I never loved him I only thought of her."

"I think Sunoo's like that as well," Jungwon pipes and Heeseung nods.

"Yeah like that."

"But if you still love her... why can't you be with her?" Jungwon asks and Heeseung scoffs at the younger's idealistic nature.

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