19. fake and faker

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Jay keeps his head low, replaying the same two words in his head: Ignore them.

He slips his feet into his school shoes and greets his mother farewell before going to school. His heart is racing, practically palpating in his chest when he walks through the hallways; he sighs.

The sounds around him are a blur as his eyes bat to and fro the school, finding himself a perfect contender before his lie crumbles.

"Holy-" He nearly curses when he knocks into someone, their shoulders brushing so harshly that he nearly trips over his feet.

"You okay?" The person he bumped into quickly asks when she finally stabilises herself. He nods and studies the person. They're a girl; long brown hair, tan skin, and a familiar face. A name doesn't ring a bell until she speaks again.

"I'm fine... really," Jay nods reassuringly. He's about to take flight until he becomes fixated in the idea of figuring out her name.

"Is something wrong? You seem stressed," She chuckles and gives something in her hand to him. It's a little golden bear charm that fits onto the zipper of his contrasting black bag. He's not sure why he's so confused that she noticed such an item fall off. "Next time – be careful."

She pats his shoulder, a friendly and warm gesture, as she takes her leave until-

"Wait!" Jay suddenly spits out. His startled by his own actions, but he continues, "There is something stressing me, and I want to ask you about it..." Internally he's screaming curse words left and right about dragging an unsuspecting straight woman into his own gay boy problems, but too caught up in shame, it's too late to turn back now.

Intrigued, she slowly turns around. "Yes?" Her voice – she's Jiyoon – he thinks. Kiyun's older sister. But now he has something bigger to ask than her name.

"You're single... right?" Jay asks and lowers his voice. She furrows her brows and nods, "I know you're probably thinking of something else but what I'm asking is probably going to earn me a bigger slap than openly asking you out like a fool."

Jay just hopes he didn't just accidentally out himself.


The following Monday, Jungwon notices Jay walk into school. His head is hung low, but he can't help his swelling heart at the idea of his pretty smile and even prettier voice.

He attempts to catch up to the boy and adjusts his backpack around his shoulders when he pushes his feet forward. He smiles when he gets just close enough for him to hear his name being called out.

"Jay!" He's ready to slyly slit their pinkies together and act like they're still at a friendly distant when really they're dying at the simplest of touches. "Jay?" he calls out again, much quitter when he thinks he hasn't heard him.

However, when Jay leaves his proximity he notices him talking to a girl. A girl? Jay hadn't told him about any other than their friends' group and not some cover up for their relationship.

They had spoke about hiding it from the public by making them look interested in other people, but he hadn't even mentioned the topic in weeks.

But maybe something happened at home that was too personal or 'embarrassing' to say right away.

All Jungwon knew was that it was pretend...

But his feeling sure weren't.


Jungwon walks aimlessly through the rain. Lunch time was practically the only time he got to spend with Jay and of course it couldn't be alone – alone time with his boyfriend, what kind of spectacle was that?

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