The Sjipsbook

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TW: Teen!Cast fluff. very brief mentions of going ons

Sips knocked on Sjin's door, Sjin's parents adored Sips. Although Sips was quite a bad influence on Sjin, Sjin's parents noticed how much more happy Sjin was with Sips in his life; he studied harder, he enjoyed school more, and he seemed always cheery and happy.

"Hey Sjin!" Sjin beamed as the slightly shorter boy stood in the door-way grinning at him.

"Hi Sips" Sjin smiled and let friend... into his house.

"So, are your parents home?" Sips asked, lazily lying on the couch

"Nope" Sjin said as if to say Now-we-can-make-out-and-no-one-will-know...

"What'dya wanna do?" Sips once again asked as Sjin sat next to him

"Want to watch a movie?" Sjin opened a drawer with a bunch of DVD's in it

"Which one?" Sips asked, also sitting up next to Sjin

Sjin pulled out DVD with a couple on the front, kissing, it was labeled 'The Notebook'

"What about this one?" Sjin asked as a pink tint crossed Sips' features, he quickly pushed it away to maintain his cool-guy personality. Sips adored romantic movies, and although he'd never admit it, he's watched the Notebook countless times.

"Yeah, whatever" Sips hid his excitement

The ending scene came, the couple lay together, holding hands, both dead. Sjin yawned slightly and looked over at Sips...wait...was THAT Sips?!

Sips' eyes were watering, he was staring intently at the television "Aww" Sips sighed as the ending credits appeared on the screen.

Sjin grinned "Aww, Sipsy has feelings?!" Sjin joked as his friend blushed a deep shade of red and threw a pillow at him

"S-shut up Sjin! I just...The movie's so dumb that I-I cried slightly at the stupid-ness of it..." Sjin smiled tenderly at his friend and moved closer to him

"Well, I think it's cute" Sjin giggled

"I-I'm not cute!" Sips demanded

"Well...I think you are" Sjin purred, playing with his friends hair

A wonderful sensation shivered down Sips' spine as Sjin gently stroked his head, Sips let a moan escape but quickly snapped his closed eyes open and turned redder than ever.

"Aww, don't worry if you moan Sips, I AM pretty seductive..." Sjin purred again gently leaning down and kissing Sips' head

"Stop Sjin!" Sips whined, blushing while Sjin tackled him on the couch and giggling at how cute ole'Sipsy was being

"You'll have to stop me yourself!" Sjin giggled again and planted a kiss on Sips' cheek

Sips couldn't help but burst with laughter as Sjin tickle-murdered him "S-Stop S-Sjin!" Sips chuckled out as Sjin grinned widely

Sjin stopped and giggled as he took out the DVD and put it in its case. As he turned to look at Sips he saw his friend and shyly snuggled into a pillow, Sjin's smile grew bigger than ever

"Sips! You're so adorable!" Sjin gushed, running over to Sips and giving him a bone-crushing hug

"Ugh...Can't...breathe...!" Sips gasped as Sjin let go

"Oh sorry" Sjin grinned again "But you are EXTREMELY cute, honestly Sips, I just want to snuggle with you!"

"You CAN snuggle with me!" Sips tried his most-adorable-puppy-voice-ever and his eyes widened, making Sjin's heart flutter whilst Sips grabbed his hand and led him upstairs

Sips and Sjin lay in Sjin's bed, no blankets, just the warmth of each other's cuddles.

"This is nice" Sjin whispered to Sips who smiled

"Yeah, it is, S-Sjin?" Sips asked his friend nervously, sitting up and pulling Sjin to sit up with him

"Yeah? What's wrong Sips?" The look of concern on the other teen's face making Sips even more nervous

"I-I...I kinda...I kinda" Sips blushed and refused to look at Sjin, who was smiling

"I like you too, now what were you gonna tell me?" Sjin smirked as Sips sighed

"Fine" he let out a dramatic sigh "Sjin, I like like you, as in...kissy like you..."

Sjin giggled "Kissy like you? Heh, well then, I guess I kissy like you too"

Sips smiled "Can we um, kissy?"

Sjin returned the smile to his friend, leaned in and planted a kiss on to the slightly colder lips, hanging his clumsily arms around Sips' neck whilst he put his arms around Sjin's waist

"" Sips said breathlessly through the kisses, pulling Sjin to lay on top of him

Sjin's mom arrived home and made dinner for Sjin and Sips, but hearing the loud thuds and groans coming from Sjin's bedroom...she figured that she should just put it in the microwave.

Credit to sapgay on Tumblr

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