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Tons of people were entering their names into the Goblet of Fire. I was sitting behind Hermione who was reading.Leanne and Katie were whispering about who they though would be the champion for Hogwarts.  I saw some of Cedric friends push him to put his name in which he did. 

I smiled at him as I clapped softly that he was brave enough to place his name in

I saw Ron and Harry around the Goblet talking,"Hey Harry," I yelled waving him over 

"What?" he asked sitting down next to me

"Did you ever figure out how to join?" I asked

"No and I don't want to join. I want a quiet year this year not when Voldemort," 

"I get it," I said when the twins came running in yelling,"Yes! Thank You! Thank you!" they said, Highfiving people

"Well lads. We have done it," said George

"Cooked it up just this morning," said Fred

"Its not going to work," said Hermione in a singsong voice.

They went on either side of Hermione,"Oh yeah," said George

"And whys that, Granger?" said Fred looking at her smirking

"You see this?" pointed Hermione at the age line"This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself,"

"So?" said Fred teasingly

Hermione closed her book and Scoffed. "So a genius like Dumbeldore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion,"

"Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant," said Fred looking at her

"Cause it so pathetically dimwitted," said George, smiling

I chuckled slightly as Hermione Scoffed. They stood up and shook the vial,"Ready Fred? Ready George?" They linked arms"Bottoms up," and drank the potion. I crossed my fingers it didn't work. As much as I love the two for trying they are idiots. They jumped into the age line; I gasped and people cheered"Please No!"

Fred and George cheered and walked around the age line cheered,"Ready?" I grabbed the bench and leaned forward in anticipation. They placed their names, and it took them. 

I stood up just as the fire began to go crazy sending their names and them out of the circle, "FRED!" I yelled, watching him fly. They landed on the other side of the room and sat up with white hair and beards," You said!" 

"You said!" 

They wrestled on the ground. 

"Oh right, you want a piece of me?" said George

Everyone was cheering for them on

"Get off, or I'll tear your ears off!" said Fred

"Come on! Take this! Come on!" said George

Everyone was cheering "Fight! FIGHT! Fight!"


They immediately stopped and looked at me. I tore them apart and glared at them as the doors opened

Victor Krum walked into the room. He was looking very serious and walked straight to the Goblet. He placed his name in and smiled at Hermione. Who smiled and looked down at her book.

I grabbed the twin's arms tightly and dragged them up to the Hospital wing. I put them on bed far apart,"Madam Pomfey!" She from her office saw the twins and shook her head. She grabbed a vile and poured it into two cups.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora