Missing you

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The fire crackled in the common room of Gryffindor Tower as Leanne, Katie and I were sitting on one of the couchs, chairs and floor studying hard for N.E.W.Ts testing in about two months or catching up on homework. 

I felt the couch dip down next to me; I looked to see Harry beside me with Ron leaning over the couch and Hermione sitting on the coffee table

"Whats up?" I asked placing my book down,"I know somethings up becuase all three of you have questioning looks on your face and your never quiet unless you need to ask me something," 

"Y/n, do you know anything about horcruxes?" Harry's voice was low and urgent.

I looked at him with wide eyes, my heart racing. "Harry, how do you know about those?"

He sighed, running a hand through his untidy black hair. "Dumbledore asked me to ask Slughorn about them, but he's been avoiding me. Apparently, Tom Riddle or Voldemort asked Slughorn about them and Dumbledore wants me to figure out what they are."

My mind raced at this new information. "Wait, how do you know about them?" Hermione's voice interrupted our conversation as she joined us on the couch.

"Isabella," I said simply,"She told me in my head that Harry needed to find horcruxes and destroy them."

A group of first years sitting nearby quickly gathered their books and scurried away as we discussed.

"I love scaring off the first years," I chuckled to myself, earning a playful smack on the head from my friend Katie.

"As much as I enjoy your mischievous side, Y/n, can we focus on this?" Hermione interjected firmly. I rolled my eyes at her chuckling "What exactly are horcruxes?"

I hesitated before answering. "Well...um...Isabella never explained what they are, just how to get rid of them." I shifted uncomfortably under their curious gazes.

"So how do we get rid of them?" Ron asked eagerly.

I took a deep breath before explaining Isabella's instructions. "Snake venom, Gryffindor's sword, heat like my energy blast." I paused, "But Harry, can we talk about this later? I really need to study for my N.E.W.Ts."

"Of course, Y/n," Harry said understandingly, nodding at Hermione who quickly ushered the boys away from us.

I eagerly joined Leanne and Katie in studying determined to help Katie with her assignments. It had been three long weeks since she returned to Hogwarts, but she was already catching up and on track to graduate with us. I had to rearrange the Quidditch practice schedule to accommodate her studies and practices, but it was worth it to have my best friend back by my side.

But amidst all the studying and school work, we made sure to have a girls' night every Friday. Whether we stayed in our cozy dorm rooms or ventured out to one of the infamous house parties, it was our escape from the pressures of being top students at Hogwarts.

In addition to my studies, I had also been diligently practicing my powers and learning new tricks with Dumbledore as my guide. Riddle and I still communicated about Voldemort's plans, but now it had to be done in secrecy since we were no longer seen as a couple.

Meanwhile, Fred and I continued to write each other letters almost every day. I longed for his embrace and missed him terribly, but every time I looked down at the promise ring he had given me on my left hand, I felt a sense of comfort and determination. I knew I could get through this time apart with him by my side in spirit.

I missed every little detail about him - the way he ran his hand through his hair when deep in thought or frustrated, how his eyes sparkled with mischief when pulling off a prank or finally succeeding at a product. His ability to seamlessly transition from joking and laughing to fierce protectiveness always left me in awe. I especially loved how during the summer between my third and fourth year, he asked me for help styling his hand me down clothes over letters.

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