Truth or Dare

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"Y/n tonight around 3 oclock we are going to play truth or dare in the common room. Wanna join?" asked Katie 

"Who will be there?" I asked looking up from my book 

"Just the group, Angelina and Alicia. I will make sure Angelina doesn't say anything about you," said Leanne

"Alright should be fun but I have to help Harry with the task at 6 tonight,"I told them

"That should be fine. Has he still not figured it out?" asked Katie

"Nope," I said as Mr.Screech came to my window and Leanne opened it

Mr.Screech flew to me and went onto my bed,"Hi bud," I said petting him. He screech and bit my arm,"Ow,"I said slapping his beak,"No bite," 

He hopped over hopped to his treats and nudged it making it fall onto my desk. He picked one up and ate it before grabbing another and bring it to me. He placed it onto my thigh and looked up at me,"Want me to feed you it?" 

He snapped at me and pecked the treat and looked at me,"Want me to eat it?" I laughed/ he screeched happily. 

"Y/n even you're bird is telling you to eat," said Leanne sitting on my bed. 

"I'll eat tonight," I told them

Mr.Screech jumped off my bed and flew out of the window. 

"Promise?" asked Katie

"Promise," I nodded

"We got potions class," said Leanne 

We headed out of the dorm and went to potions. Potions as always was boring. I nearly fell asleep but managed not to. Luckily that was out last class of the day."Truth or dare time," said Leanne smiling 

I sighed,"Okay," I nodded

We headed up to the common room,"We are meeting down here in 20 minutes so we can get changed," said Lee walking behind us

We all nodded in agreement. The girls and I head up to our dorm. I changed into jeans and a baggie shirt. We headed downstairs. I sat with Leanne on the floor. Katie and George on a chair. Lee, Fred, Alicia and Angelina on the couch. 

"We are going to bring to Veritaserum into the game," smirked Leanne pulling out a vile,"Stole this from Snape from my last detention," 

"Nice," said Lee 

"Truth or dare Alicia," said Katie starting us off 

"Truth," she replied taking a sip of the vile 

"How long have you liked Lee?" she asked

"Since 4th year," said Alicia,"When he wanted to protect me from the snake," 

"Aww," said Katie smiling

"Fred," said Alicia 

"Dare," he replied

"Confess something to me," she said leaning to him

He whispered something into her ear making her go wide-eye. She nodded to him,"Safe with me," 

"Good," he nodded before looking around and landing on me,"Y/n truth or dare?" 

"Dare," i smirked

"Yell out the first word that come to mind," said Fred

"Asshole," I said randomly

Everyone laughed. We continued to play the game for a while laughing and messing around ti felt nice to be with my friends. Angelina would sometimes glare at me but I would push it off. About 30 minutes before I needed to join Harry,"Y/n Truth or dare," said George

"Truth," I said taking a sip of the vile. 

I felt like I couldn't lie in any situation as I looked at him

"Who do you like and why?" he asked,

"Fred. I like him because of his personality, his smile, his laugh, his eyes, and the way he treats people. I like him because he is a good person. He can make me laugh on one of my worst days. He didn't judge me for when he found out about my who my fathers really are. He is very well used to be very over protective around me when it came to boys," I said looking down,"Fred is very charismatic and outgoing to the point you think he would be going left when he actually goes right. 

"He would help me with my nightmares and help calm me down after each one of them. He would always bring me my favorite food or snack during the days I would skip breakfast and go to the library of lunch. He helped me with prank ideas to pull on teachers. He runs his fingers in his hair when he is angry or upset. 

"He would kill for his family more then anything but never lets it show but I know him because he is my best friend," I realized I said to much as the serum wore off. I stood up and walked out of the common room wide-eye


My jaw dropped hearing that Y/n likes me. Y/n like me. Y/n likes me. Y/n likes me. I think she realized what she said as the serum wore off so she walked out of the common room. I pushed Angelina off of me and was about to follow when a hand went on my wrist,'Where are you going?" asked Angelina

I turned to her,"Y/n," I said removing my hand

"But your with me," said Angelina

"Sorry Angelina, but I never liked you how I like Y/n. I have not seen you in that way since the third year. I like Y/n with all my heart," I told her,"I need my girl and you not her,"  

I ran out of the common room trying to find Y/n. I searched throughout the castle and went to her favorite spots on the grounds. Nowhere. It must have been an hour since I started looking for Y/n. Where could she be? The library! 

I ran past everyone in the hallways,"Mr.Weasley, what are you doing?" yelled Professor Flitwick

"Looking for Y/n," I said, stopping and turning to him 

"McGonagall has requested Miss. Lupin-Black," said Flitwick

"Why?" I said worried 

"None of your concerns," said Flitwick 

I ran my hands though my air and hit a wall. 

"What seems to be the problem?" said Flitwick, walking up to me 

I rolled down a wall and sat on the floor,"We were playing truth or dare when Y/n confessed her feelings then walked out of the common room. I need to tell her I feel the same way," I said into my knees

"Ahh young love. Wait I thought you and Miss.Johnson were together?" he said quietly as the hallway cleared out

"I broke up with her. I need Y/n," I said worried

"You will. Now go up to the Gryffindor Common room before the curfew bell rings," 

I nodded,"Yes sir,"  

I got up from the floor and headed upstairs. I made it just intime for the bell to ring. I saw the group sitting on the couch without Angelina but with Ron and Hermione. I sat down where Y/n sat,"Did you find her?" asked George

"No," I sighed

"Find who?" asked Ron

"Y/n," I said 

"Oh she joined us around 6 o'clock then after 30 minutes Moody said she and Hermione were needed for something," said Harry,"She looked like she had done something stupid when she walked into the library," 

"Y/n confessed her feelings for Fred using Veritaserum," said Alicia,"Even though we all knew she liked him well expect Fred," 

"I broke up with Angelina to find her but couldn't,"I said surprised,"Wait ALL OF YOU KNEW!"  

"Yeah," said Katie,"Leanne and I have known since our third year. I think George and Lee have known since the day we spent the night at her house," 

I glared at my twin and best friend for a minute. 

"Oi we told you she liked you but you never listened," said George 

I sighed and looked at the entrance waiting for Y/n to show up. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें