My everything

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Katies Pov

As Y/ns breathing gradually slowed down, I couldn't help but feel worried for her. I glanced down at my best friend who was sleeping soundly, with streaks of mascara running down her cheeks from earlier that evening. Gently pushing her off of me, I stood up as the door to her room opened and her dad walked in. "How is she?" he asked with a concerned tone in his voice. 

"Hurting," I replied, my eyes still fixed on Y/n's sleeping form, "I think it's best if we talk about it with Fred."

 "Absolutely," he nodded in agreement,"I'll stay here with her." 

Before I could leave the room, he added with a hint of frustration in his voice,"And please, slap him for me." A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. 

"No problem," I promised before walking out to find Fred. As much as I wanted to stay by Y/n's side, I knew her dad would take good care of her while I handled the situation with Fred.

I mounted Y/n's bike with ease, grateful for the riding skills my father had taught me on our dirt bikes. As I arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, I wasted no time speeding through Diagon Alley until I reached George's shop. The last remnants of customers were leaving as I went up the stairs and entered the store. Fred was busy behind the cash register, counting his daily earnings. Fueled by anger, I strode over to him and grabbed his collar firmly, demanding an explanation for why he broke my best friend's heart. My serious tone conveyed my disappointment and disapproval at his actions.

Despite my efforts to comfort him, Fred stubbornly insisted, "She doesn't love me." However, I could see through his façade and knew Y/n's tears showed her deep love for him. Seeing him unable to understand the depth of her feelings was frustrating.

 After a few moments of silence, I couldn't hold back any longer and confronted him in a serious tone. "Fred, you're wrong. She has been crying her eyes out for the past two hours because she loves you so much. You're blind if you can't see it." His defensive response was quick and sharp,

"She's embarrassed to be with me. She didn't even mention our relationship and tried to hide her promise ring." As he spoke these words, I could sense the hurt in his voice. In that moment, I knew it was essential to approach the situation with sensitivity and understanding."She's a celebrity now." he said. "She can now have any guy she wants."

"She only wanted you," I stated. "Besides, she was a celebrity before she entered Holyhead Harpies, and you didn't care before then. You only care now because more males are paying attention to her,"

"Of course, I was jealous," she says. "Have you seen Y/n? She's a fucking goddess. I'm not sure what she sees in me!"

"SHE LOVES YOU YOU IDIOT!" I yelled, "You know how she felt with Bleby? How that scar on her rib makes her feel. You're aware of the trauma she's been through. She loves you because you showed her that a man could love her, but you broke her heart because you couldn't take her celebrity,"I slapped him across the face,"Thats for hurting my best friend,"


"Don't," I snapped,"You broke my best friend's heart,"

I walked away angrily as Fred held his cheek. I felt a hand on my wrist, "Wait...please...I realize I am an idiot for hurting Y/n...I-I want to see her,"

" have done enough damage for tonight," I pulled my hand from his and headed back to Y/N's House. I ran up to her room to find her Dad talking with her.

"Its not your fault, pup," said Her Dad. I stayed on the outside of her room.

"But it is," she cried

"Shhh, pup. Freds not worth any of your tears,"

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now