Quidditch Mess

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Every Defense against the Dark Arts class from then on I kept my mouth shut and avoided Umbitch. Its been about a month since we got back from break. She is now high inquisitor which means she can make any rule she wants which is annoying.

Our new quidditch team is Me, Katie, Alicia, Fred, George, Harry and Ron. Ron needs encouragement so he can block the goals. I have been getting his energy up and his confidence. I have had to talk to the twins about not making fun of their younger brother. 

Angelina made a huge fuss about me being captain and straight-up quit for the team. She complained to both McGonagall, Dumbledore and Oliver Wood. Oli found it funny and wrote to me about it. 

"OI FRED GEORGE! I will slap you in the face if you don't pay the fuck attention," I scolded them in the locker room as they were making fun of Ron.

"Sorry Y/n," said George moving away from his younger brother

"Sorry love," said Fred following George

"Alright. I have only just found out the final lineup for Slytherin," I said looking at the parchment I held,"Last years beaters, Derick and Bole have now left but it looks as though Montagues replaced them with the usual gorillas; Crabbe and Goyle. Now I know for a fact that they are more or less dunnerheads," I shrugged as Harry and Ron laugh,"Alright team keep your head up. Fred, George I don't want to see an bludgers around us knock them out of the field. Harry catch that snitch before bleach boy. Ron block all of the quaffles you can. Girls we think at one,"

I opened the door,"Lets go," 

"Hotty," said Fred behind me

I rolled my eyes as we got onto the field. I walked up to Montague scowling. 

"Captain shake hands," said Hooch

I shook Montagues hand tight and firmly that he winced a bit.

"Mount your brooms. . ." 

Madam hooch placed her whislte and blew. The balls were released and all fourteen players shot upwards. 

"Ands its Lupin-Black, Lupin-Black with the quaffle, what a player that girl. Did you hear she is a re--,"

"JORDAN!" yelled Professor McGonagall

I chuckled as I ducked Warrington and and passed Montague

"Just a fun fact, Professor, add a bit of interest--- and shes ducked Warrington, shes passed Montague, she---ohh close one--nearly hit by a bludger but she jumped off her broom over it. . .ouch-- she gets knocked off losing her grip and Montague catches the quaffle, Montague heading back up the pitch and---nice bludge there from Fred weasley, that's a Bludger to the head for Montaague, he drops the quaffle and caught by Katie Bell of Gyffindor who passes it to my beautiful girlfriend--"

"JORDAN!" yelled McGonagall as Alicia passed the quaffle to me 

I managed to fly quickly to the goal. I swirved right but shot to the left goal having it fly pass Bletchley the syltherin keeper. 

"SHE SHOOTS AND SCORES!" yelled Jordan

Gyffindor cheered as Warrington grabbed the quaffle. I flew quickly hitting Warrington with my shoulder. Alicia went on the other side of him and we made him fly into the stand. I grabbed the quaffle as Slytherin was chanting a song. I signaled to Ron not to listen as I passed the quaffle to Katie as Montague was on my tail. 

After a long 30 minutes. The score was 50-40 to Gyffindor. 

"Slytherin scored," 

I sighed grabbing the quaffle,"Come on Ron I know you got this," I said flying quickly 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now