Snow Snow Snow

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I was building a snowman with Fred and George laughing. I placed some black rocks on the body when I felt snow hitting the back of my head. I heard George laughing at me as I stood up and turned to him. 

"Your dead, Weasley," I said, picking up snow 

We started to have a snowball fight and I hit him in the face knocking him down,"HAHA," I laughed before seeing snowprints in the snow but no one walking. I looked at Fred and Goerge who was them as well. 

They walked to the prnits and picked Harry up. I followed behind,"Guys let me go," said Harry

"Clever Harry," I said

"But not cleaver enough," said Fred

"Besides we've got a better way," said George

"Guys come on," said Harry,"I'm trying to get to hogsmeads,"

"We know. Dont worry," we said in unison

"Well show you a quicker way," I said as we walking into a corridor and to the stairs

"If you pipe down," said Fred

"Let me go," said Harry

"Now now Harry. Come and join the big boys," said George

"And Girls," I said quickly

"What are you doing?" Harry said loudly 

"Shush," I said to him standing in between Fred and George as they handed him a map

"Whats this rubbish?" 

"Whats this rubbish he says," the twins chuckled

"That there is the secret to our success," I smiled

"Its a wrench giving it to you, believe me," said George

"But we have decided your needs are greater than ours," said Fred,"Y/n if you will," he pointed to the paper

I pulled out my wand,"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," and tapped the parchment

"Messieurs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present The Maraduers Map,"

"We own them so much," said the twins

I smiled brightly at them

Harry opened the map,"This is Hogwarts. No is that really--"

"--Dumbledore," said Fred

"In his study," said George

"Pacing. Does that a lot," I finished

"So you mean this map shows--" 


"Where they are,"said Fred


"What they are doing,"said George

"Every minute of every day," I smirked

"Where did you get it?" asked Harry

"Nicked it from Filchs office, of course," said Fred

"Now listen there are 7 secret passage ways out of the castle. We'd recommend....this one," said George 

"The one-eyed witch passageway. It'll lead you straight to Honeydukes Cellar," I smiled

"You best hurry. Filch is heading this way," said Fred

"Oh and Harry don't forget," said George

"Harry don't forget. When your done just give it a tap and say 'Mischief Manage'"I said tapping my wand on to it

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now