Dinner and Practice

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I knocked on my father's office,"Come in," 

I walked in to see him sitting with two plates of food. I set my bag down,"Hi, Father," I smiled sitting down.

"Hey Pup. Now eat up," He pointed to the plate,"I know you didn't eat well today," 

I nodded, taking the plate from the desk,"So, will you tell me why my boggart is a man in with a green light?" 

"Yes, but I want to hear about your day first," He said, taking his plate

"I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. I read one of my books I may or may not have stolen from you," I chuckled with him,"Then I got ready for breakfast and sat with my friends. Went to Your class, , transfiguration and charms. I skipped Lunch because everyone was looking at me and went to the library," I said before taking a drink of water," Fred came at made sure I ate and hung out with me in the library. I went to Potions and Herbology, and now I am here I have quidditch practice tonight," 

"Go back to when you and Fred were in the library," said Father, leaning forward with a smirk, "What happened?" 

"Nothing, really. He just made sure I ate something and then stayed with me as I read my transfiguration book," I said eating

"Did he do anything?" asked Father

"Not really just rubbed my back and watched me do my work," I said quickly

His lips turned into a smirk,"You know your dad, Sirius. He used to do that to me when I would read a book. He would also play with my hair," he leaned back in his chair smiling,"I miss your other father dearly but I am starting to think he didn't actually murder Pettigrew," 

"Finally," I sighed,"I have been telling you for years I don't think he murdered him,"

"Anyways about you and Fred. Whats going on with you two?" asked Father

"Hes my best friend," 

"But you like him," Father smirked

"I do not," I lied 

"Sure you don't," Father rolled his eyes,"I see the way you look at him," 

"Oh be quiet," I blushed 

"I knew it," he said loudly

"Shush," I threw a pea at his head laughing

"My little girl has a crush," he smiled,"Shes growing up so fast," 

"Oh shut up Moony. I am 14," I said rolling my eyes

"Okay Okay Ms.Sassy," he remarked

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. My father laughed at me,"Are you going to do anything about it?" 

"No," I shook my head,"I don't want to lose my best friend. Plus, he doesn't even like me," 

"Thats what I thought about your dad," 

"I know then Aunt Lily told Uncle Prongs who told Dad who confessed his feelings and asked you on a date and three years later I came," I said,"I know the story," 

My father laughed,"You did ask for it quite a lot when you were a kid," 

"About the green light?" I said leaning forward

"Oh yes. That green light means the killing curse. Your afraid someone might die. That hooded figure could be anyone hints why its hooded," 

"So when I see those green lights in my dreams that's. . .Moldy Voldy killing Harrys parents," I said in shock

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now