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I parked my motorcycle at my parking space. Fred got off and stretched his back cracking,"Old man," I laughed taking off my helmet

He grabbed my chin and smashed his lips against mine,"Shut up,"

I giggled,"Nope," I turned off my motorcycle and got off.

Fred had the bag on his back as he set his helmet on the bike. I brought him to the side door and scanned my ID verifying that its me. The door unlocked and security gaurds came forward

"Who is this?" asked Bob the main gaurd

"My security for my trip here, Fred Gideon Weasley,"I explained at Dylan was patting me down while Greg was patting down Fred,"You know because Death Eaters want me,"

"Oh right," said Bob understand as he is apart of the order. I had convinced my whole Holyhead team to at least help with the Order in some way. 

"Clear," Dylan and Greg said in unison.

It was about 4am in the morning. Fred whispered something into his wand and his patronus went. I knew he was sending word to the Burrow. There was about 5 hours until the meeting. I pulled Fred to my room here.

I walked inside and tossed my keys and jacket on my desk. I kicked off my combat boots and jumped onto my bed. I expected Fred to follow my lead but he didn't. I turned over to see him looking at me and the room.

He walked inside and set our bag on my desk, his jacket and his shoes beside it. He walked to the tiny couch and laid down. His feet hanging over the edge

"Fred," I said chuckling,"What are you doing?" I stood up walking to him

He sat up,"Going to sleep,"

"Theres a bed right there," I pointed to it as I stood infront of him

"I...uh...I didnt know i-if you w-want me to sleep there with you. I mean not actually sleep with you not that I dont want to but actually sleep...." he stuttered and rambled before I covered his mouth

"I'm to tired for this. Get your ass in that bed," I told him firmly

I turned around and walked to the bed getting under the covers. Fred followed and got in on the other side,"Stop being nervous Freddie," I told him as I got comfortable.

"I'm not," he said firmly laying down

I rolled my eyes,"Your so far away!" I whined

He chuckled and moved closer. I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. He unclipped my bra,"I know you hate sleeping with a bra on or clipped," he smirked

"Thanks," I mumbled into his chest

I felt safe and warm as I cuddled into him. I looked up at him and kissed his jaw making him groan softly. He pulled me into his lap making me squeal,"If your a good girl today. I'll fuck you," he smirked grinding against me

I moaned and nodded. He smirked pulled me back down. I knew I was in a fake relationship with Riddle but we agreed that no feelings and we wouldn't get attached. He also said I should have fun with Fred over the break so....

I looked up at Fred who was already asleep. I smiled at the Love of my life and cuddle closely to him.I fell asleep on Fred's chest as he played with my hair.

"Y/N!" yelled Susie walking in

"What?" I groaned waking up

"Wakie Wakie time for the meeting," she smiled,"Hey Random boy in her bed," she nodded at him

"Thats Fred," I said yawning as Fred eyes opened

"Oh Hello to the famous Fred. Y/n has told me so much about you," said Susie smiling at him

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora