Isabellas Connections

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I blinked at his words. He looked up from my stomach and to my eyes,"Marry me," he repeated. 

"I-Uh-" I said shocked 

"Eventually. I know you're in a task right now but...I want to know if you see a future with me. If you want to marry me and have my kids," he explained cupping my cheeks

"Yes I will marry you eventually but you need to ask my fathers permission AND. . .we need to be together again," I told him

He chuckled and kissed my lips,"Of course," 

I smiled against his lips as it became more heated. He flipped us over so he would be on top. His finger dug into my hips as he lifted my hips slightly as he tongue swiped along my bottom lip. He groaned when I wouldn't give him what he wanted. He still picked me up with one swift motion kissing me still. 

He slapped my ass walking to my bed making me gasp. He smirked as he slipped he tongue exploring my mouth. I moaned as he teased me over my jeans. 

There was a knock on the door making the both of us groan into each other's mouths. Fred stood up and grabbed his hoodie on the desk. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on

Fred opened the door to see Susie: he let her inside and she walked to me holding a bad"Here are the wristbands for your family to get into my brothers bar. How many people are you inviting? It can be up to 20 per person on the team," she smiled

I counted on my fingers,"Might as well take all 20,"

"Any under wizarding age?" 

"Three are," I counted on my fingers 

She nodded,"Blue is over 17 and yellow is under 17," she explained handing me the bag

"Thank you," I smiled brightly 

"No problem," she hugged me tightly,"Bye Fred," 

"Bye," said Fred closing the door. He turned to me,"Brothers bar? Have you been to this said bar?"he asked as I set the stuff on the desk

"Yes I have. His brother is very nice and its a good place," I explained

"Is he hot?" asked Fred sounding jealous 

"He is very hot but you are hotter," I smirked pushing him onto the bed and climbing on top of him,"Plus he is not my type," I kissed his cheek,"I like a red head more,"  

Fred smirked,"Oh really," 

"Yes," I kissed his forehead climbing off,"Lets go to sleep. We will be travelings all night again and I am still exhausted from the drive here," 

"Alright," he nodded

I climbed under the covers and he joined. I laid on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around me. I fell asleep peacefully.  

I woke up to being alone in the bed. I rubbed the sleep out of eyes as I sat up. I saw Fred packing the bag with our stuff,"Freddie?" I said sleepily

"Go back to sleep love. We leave in an hour and you need as much sleep as possible for the drive," he walked over and pushed me to lay down again. He kissed my forehead,"I'll wake you up before we leave with coffee," 

"Thank you," I mumbled as sleep fell over me again. 

I felt kissed on my cheeks and neck,"Wakie Wakie," whispered Fred 

"Mmm no," I rolled over burring my face into the pillow

"Come on love. Time to get up," said Fred pulling me to sit up. He sat down and gave me some coffee. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now