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"Hagrid come and sit down. I'll make you some tea," I said as Hagrid was staring at the window at buckbeak,"I know you'll miss buckbeak," 

I was about to make him tea when a knock on the door came. I opened it to the Twins and the trio,"Hey guys," I said waving them in. Harry rolled up the cloak in his hand

"Oh, Look at him. He loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them," said Hagrid looking at Buckbeak.

"Why don't we set him free?" asked Harry

"They would know its me," said Hagrid"Dumbledore would get into trouble.He is coming down you know Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they...when it happens,"

I sighed and looked down"Great man Dumbledore. Great man"walking away from the window

I turned around and a tear fell down my face,"Buckbeak doesn't deserve this. Malfoy provoked him,"

"We will stay with you to Hagrid," said Hermione

"You do no such thing. Think I want you to see something like that. No, you just drink your tea and be off," said Hagrid he turned around "Oh and before you do Ron," he opened a tin and pulled out

"Scabbers," said Ron walking to grab his rat "You're alive!"

"Told you mate he was alive," said George

"Closer eyes on your pets Ron,"

"I think that means you own someone an apologue," Said Hermione, walking up to him

"Right next time I see Crookshanks. I'll let him know," said Ron, leaning forward and holding Scabbers tightly

"I MEANT ME!" said Hermione. A vase with sand broke behind her and she picked something up.

We all turned. "Blimey. What was that!" said Hagrid

"Ow," said Harry turning and looking out the window, "Hagrid,"

"Cricky," said Hadrid"Its late. Nearly dark. You shouldn't be here. Something sees you outside the castle. This time of night you'll be in trouble, big trouble. Particularly you Y/n and Harry," Hagrid grabbed a cloak, "Be with you in a moment," He said when there was a knock on the door.

He placed the cloak on something and ushered us outside. There were more knocks on the door "Hagrid it'll be fine. It'll be okay," said Harry walking to the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out the back door, he waited until Dumbledore, Fudge and the person killing Buckbeak entered before walking behind a big pile of pumpkins. We all waited behind the buckbeak as Fudge talked about killing buckbeak. I heard something behind us so I turned, and Hermione also turned. I looked at her in confusion, "what," whispered Ron.

"I thought I just saw never," said Hermione

"Let's go," said Ron

We put on the invisibility cloak. We ran up the hill far enough away from Hagrid's hut so we could see the hut.  Thats when everyone was outside, talked for a few minutes and Dumbledore and Hagrid went inside. The executioner raised its ax and swung it down, birds flew away. I turned into Fred and hugged him, and cried slightly. He grabbed me tightly and held me. George hugged us as well.

I looked over to see Hermione hugging Ron who was holding scabbers and Harry hugging her. We headed slowly back to the castle under the invisibility cloak not to be seen

"Ouch he bite me," said Ron loudly 

"Ron be quiet," Hermione and I said in unison

"He wont--stay---put," said Ron trying to hold scabbers who was trying to break free of Rons grip

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now