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"Alright guys. I created a few games for you all to do today," I smirked holding the pages I had made

"Oh god what is it," said Ginny scared

"Ron, Katie, and Ritchie. Team one," I smiled "Harry, Ginny and Jimmy. Team two

The respective teams got together,"The first game is a Scavenger hunt," I smirked handing the two pages out

1. Something that goes on your head
2. 3 stuffed animals
3. Something orange
4. Snitch
5.Something round
6. Something small
7.Hagrids rockcake
8. PigmyPuff
9.Gyffindor flag/Sign
11. Throw the smallest team mate into the lake and have them grab the flag thats 30 feet away(Only if they are strong swimmers)
12. Throw red paint in the Transfiguaration classroom on the oldest boy. They have to run in the middle of the courtyard and hug the first Slytherin they see
13.Have the girl of the group at the Quidditch pitch get onto their broom and fly to grabbed the ballon ontop of the teachers tent

"Watermelon!" said Jimmy,"Where are we supposed to get that!" he laughed

I chuckled,"Alright you have one hour to get everything on the list. LEANNE!" I yelled 

"Yes," she smiled walking into the room,"Which group do you want to watch?" 

"Katies groups," she smiled

"I got Harrys then," I nodded,"Meet back here in an hour," 

Leannes group got to the door with mine,"READY SET GO!" I yelled

I wasnt expecting the two teams to run out of the door. I ran after Harrys group; Harry picked up Jimmy on his back as he was running slow,"CHARGE!" yelled Jimmy laughing

I chuckled runnign after the group,"SORRY!" I yelled to fellow students

I kept up with the group. Harry and Ginny were talking while running around. Ginny picked an orange flower on the way and marked the page. Harry set down Jimmy,"Ginny go do the flying thing. Jimmy and I will get the snitch from the locker room," 

"Okay," nodded Ginny

I watched Ginny fly and grabbed the ballon. She flew back down and tied it onto her wrist. Harry and Jimmy came running back over. Jimmy was wearing the beaters hat while Harry held the snitch,"four down 10 more to go," I smiled

"TO THE LAKE!" yelled Harry lifting Ginny over his shoulder 

"HARRY!" yelled Ginny laughing as Jimmy was running beside him

I busted out laughing running after him. I saw a tint of blush on both harry and Ginnys cheeks. Before I knew it Jimmy had jumped into the lake and swam past Rickies who was struggling. I walked to Leanne,"How many do they have?" I asked

"One. Now two," said Leanne

"They got four now five," I laughed,"COME ON RON, KATIE RITCHIE! TEAM WORK!" I yelled encouragingly

"NOT MY FAULT RITCHIE IS SLOW!" yelled Katie laughing,"COME ON DUDE!" 

"Come on Ritchie!" yelled Ron

Ginny helped pull Jimmy out of the lake. She picked him up as he was out of breathe. Her and Harry begun running,"GOOD LUCK GUYS!" I smiled running after then 

The team were talking. Harry saw a first year with a gryffindor flag,"Can I borrow that? I will return it," he smiled. 

"S-sure," he nodded 

Harry smiled taking it just as Jimmy had knocked on Hagrids door. Hagrid smiled,"Rockcake?" 

"YES!" yelled Ginny 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now