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*WARNING ED(Please eat. You are so beautiful in your own size. If you need someone to talk to please write to me)*

"Harry, how has figuring out the egg been?" I asked Harry as I wrapped my arm over his shoulder as we walked through the castle,"Please tell me you have,"

"I haven't figured it out," he said sheepishly

"Harry, the task is in two weeks!" I said surprised 

"I know Y/n. Dont worry; I have been trying to figure something out," said Harry

I nodded,"Let me know the clue once you do figure it out,"I told him 

"I will Y/n," he smiled,"Are you doing okay? I feel like I haven't seen you to often since the yule ball,"

"Yeah," I smiled

"Whens the last time you've eaten?" asked Ron looking at me 

"I don't know," I shrugged

"Come on your eating," said Hermione pulling my arm into the Great Hall

"I'm not hungry,"I lied 

"Y/n you need to eat," said Hermione

I rolled my eyes as she pushed me into my seat. I made eyecontact with Fred before I looked away and looked down at my food which Harry had loaded 

I took a few bites,"I ate so I am good,"I told them standing up 

They were calling my name as I walked out of the Great Hall. I headed back up to my dorm and was in the common room when I felt a hand on my wrist

"Y/n your wrist are like bones," said Fred 

I rolled my eyes and pulled my hands away,"I don't care," I said looking at the stair

"Y/n please look at me,' said Fred,"Talk to me,"

I headed up to my dorm as he spoke. 


I have barely talked to Fred since Christmas because I was hurt. Dont get me wrong I am trying to be happy for him and Angelina but it doesn't help when Angelina makes comments about me like my scar, my weight, or my appearance. I spend most of my time in my dorm or the library avoiding people. I don't think there is a day that doesn't go by when I am not wearing a lot of makeup.

"Y/N! GET DOWN HERE!" yelled Harry

"WHAT!" I yelled loudly 

"GET DOWN HERE!" yelled Ron

I sighed before heading down to the common room. I met up with them and Hermione who all dragged me to a corner of the room,"I found out the task hint," said Harry handing me a paper

Come Seek us where our voices sound
We can not sing above the ground
An hour-long you'll have to look
to discover what we took

"Well there are merpeople in the lake,"I said looking up,"An hourlong in the lake is problematic but there has to be a potion, charm or plant," I explain pointing to the note

"So we should go to the library," said Hermione

"Yes,"I nodded,"Let me grab my bag," 

"I don't want to go to the library," said Ron complaining. 

"Well do you want to help Harry or not," I said crossing my arms

"Yeah but can't Harry and I look through our own books?" said Ron

"Fine,"I rolled my eyes

Hermione and I headed to the library. We walked to the potions section. I grabbed three books while Hermione grabbed two. We looked through the books quickly and talked for hours about what Harry could use

"We both know Harry is horrible at potions,"I said a little to loudly 

Hermione chuckled,"Yeah but it doesn't hurt to help," 

I nodded, so we continued on. 

The second task was in a week so we had little time to make a potion. Hermione gave me a banana,'Eat" she said

I ate the banana knowing if I didn't, she would keep pestering me. I flipped through my books not finding anything important. After another hour

"Let's continue this tomorrow,"I said standing 

"I agree," said Hermione yawning

We headed upstairs to the common room after returning our books. We went to Harry and Ron who were sitting at the desk,"Anything?" I asked them

"Nope," said Ron surprised

"You didn't even look did you?" asked Hermione sitting

"We meant to its only. . . we got bombarded with questions from the twins and Lee about Y/n," said Harry 

I sighed,"What were they asking?"

"Why you haven't been eating? Why you haven't been around? Why you haven't really talked to Fred," said Ron

I nodded and shrugged,"I guess they will just have to figure it out on their own," 

I headed upstairs to my dorm. 


"I am really worried about Y/n," I said looking at the stairs she just took

"I think I know why she has been acting weird," said Hermione leaning forward

Ron and I leaned forward closer to her

"Fred is dating Angelina. Angelina bullies Y/n nonstop. Y/n also likes or liked. . .I don't know anymore. . .Fred. I don't think Fred knows Angelina bullies his best friend," said Hermione quietly,"She feels really insecure. When I am in the library I heard her sometimes crying in her study corner when she thinks no one is around," 

I felt horrible for the girl I think as a sister is going through this. I wanted to hug her tightly and never let go,"Padfoot and Moony are worried about her as well. They keep writing saying she hasn't written a letter to them in weeks," 

"Thats not like her. She writes on at least every two to three days to them," said Hermione

"I know," I replied,"I am going to write to them," 

Ron and Hermione nodded 

I headed upstairs and went to my dorm. I pulled a piece of parchment out 

Dear Pads and Moony,

I figured out whats going on with Y/n. Fred is dating Angelina. I think Y/n has told you this but Angelina bullies Y/n nonstop. I think that's why Y/n hasn't been eating, talking to anyone really and been wearing a lot of makeup. I just wish there is something I could do to help Y/n out but unless she comes and talks with me. There is really nothing I can do. 

Dont worry I know what the second task is and will figure it out

From Harry

I folded the parchment and whistled out of my window. No answer. How does Y/n get her owl to her window so easily? I headed out of my dorm and walked through the common room. Fred and Angelina were entering the room so I shoulder checked the both of them as I past

"Whats your deal?" asked Fred 

"You hurt my sister," I snapped turning to him,"Thats my deal," 

I turned around and headed to the owlery. Hedwig came down to me,"Hey Hedwig,"I petted her,"Sirius please," she nudged my cheek before flying away 

I heard a screech and looked up to see Mr.Screech on the ledge,"Hey Mr.Screech," I said waving him down which he did,"Miss Y/n?" He screech loudly at her name,"Dont worry I do too," 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now